
What w Have Frekles All Over My Face And My Friends Say They Look Horrible.ould you like to ask?

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I I dot know what to do, covering up my freckles will not do my skin any good, but is it that or do i just have my friends critisizing me ? :D x




  1. Freckles are great - your friends are stupid. I've seen so many great models with freckles - it's really cool to be a bit unusual.  I'd go the other way and suggest you tie your hair up to show them off.

    Just stay out the sun, as you may have sensitive skin.

  2. freckles are a sign of beauty...they are obviously just jealous and not good people to be pals with

  3. there is nothing rong with freckels. there cute

    if they were real friends then they wouldnt be so mean...

    (if it does bother you then u can get some foundation/powder and cover them. wash it off everynight and there wont be a problem...)

    but i say dont worry about ur friends. they should be supportive, not being so mean

  4. ignore your friends freckles on a girl are cute

  5. Real friends wouldn't tell you that.  Get new friends.

  6. Get new friends! They are nasty!

  7. What's wrong with freckles on your face? Freckles are cool...

  8. freckles are a sign of beauty so ignore your friends  

  9. I love girls with frekles it gives them an inoccent look

    That makes them adorable Xd  

  10. Freckles are lovely. Your so called friends are jealous.

  11. im a natural red freckles are fading but i had more freckles then you and all your friends and family members put together when i was a kid

  12. if their criticizing how you look, their not really your friends. Freckles are lovely, they make you look really natural and pretty. Tell them to bog off. Friends shouldn't talk to you like that, but if you want to cover them up, try powder foundations. Their light and they cover really well mabelline have a very good one. But i think you should embrace the freckles, and I'm sure your friends aren't perfect they shouldn't talk to you like that.

  13. seriously ignore them

    if they say anything stand up for yourself and have a backbone.

    Say i don't care you if u don't like my freckles. i love them.

    i have freckles to and my friends don't even say anything, real friends would do that. make sure u tell them u hurt ur feelings too or they'll just find something else to make fun of.

  14. Personally, I think freckles are cute. I have them, and I love them and would never cover them up.

    And as for your friends, they shouldn't be criticizing you. Friends don't put other friends down. Next time they bring it up, tell them flat-out to stop. Throw in a please, of course!

    Good luck! = D

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