
What wakes you up when your tired?

by  |  earlier

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im really tired today, and im getting up early for school tommorow so i know ill be tired so what will wake me up??? it seems like soda makes me feel even more tired so not that,any ideas???




  1. DONT DRINK ANY ENERGY DRINKS!!!!! seriosley i used to be one of those big energy drinkers and it was bad....just get plenty of rest tonight  

  2. A nap. An hour nap will make you feel MUCH better...  

  3. dark chocolate with at least 65% Coco, it helps. No soda, don't eat too full.  

  4. exercises for half an hour then take a shower.

    eat a big meal

    you might also want to watch or listen to something that you like.

  5. Smoking Crystal Meth. Or a Red Bull. Whatevers around.

  6. your parents yelling for you to get out bed

  7. A really cold shower and happy jumpy music.

  8. Vanilla Latte from Starbucks!! mmm....

  9. A deep slip and a firm determination will wake u up on your time.

  10. sleep. yah amazing huh

  11. Caffine, excerize, bright lights, cold water, lound noises.

  12. -hot souce

    -alot of salt

    -something really sour(war heads)

    -loud music

    -working out

  13. Red bull, taking a shower, maybe doing pilates or something in the morning.

  14. When I hear the telephone ringing.

  15. * go to sleep and wake up refreshed

    * eat a lemon

    * splash some cold water in your face

    * eat ice and make yourself really cold

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