
What war did united states stop russia from putting nukes in Cuba?

by Guest44898  |  earlier

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if you know the answer how did we stop them from putting nukes on cuba




  1. It wasnt a war.

  2. No declared war or police action. The Cuban crisis occurred during what we call the cold war era which wasn't actually a war but did have its share of casualties. The cold war was from the end of World War 2 to the collapse of the Soviet Union.  The Cuban Crisis occurred between the Korean war and the Vietnam (war)conflict and lasted about 2 weeks.

    We reached a diplomatic agreement with the Soviet Union when it became clear to all sides that a nuclear war would occur if the Soviet Union built a nuclear missile base in Cuba. We convinced them by being willing to destroy civilization on Earth if they didn't back down.

  3. There was no "war" as such. There was no fighting going on between the US and Russia. But we both were pretty close... and it wouldn't have been a conventional war. It would have between the two largest nuclear super-powers in the world. It would have obliterated life as we know it on this planet.

    What was going on was called the "Cold War" because there was no actual fighting. But for quite a few years, fingers in both countries were poised over "the buttons" that would send us to oblivion.

    Russia moved missiles into Cuba. We had pictures of them. Russia denied it in the UN, so we showed them the pictures.They seemed to think we wouldn't stop them.

    President Kennedy placed a Naval blockade around Cuba to stop further build-up of missiles. He told Russia that he would consider an attack launched from Cuba on any country on the American continent an attack from Russia on the United States; and that he would respond as if it were.

    Bottom line... there are no Russian missiles in Cuba. Russia didn't want to destroy civilization any more than we did.

  4. the cold war

  5. it wasn't a war, it was called the cuban missile crisis. I was stationed aboard the uss okinagan with the 5th military expeditionary brigade, USMC.We were sceduled to go in as the 5th wave in the event of war. The blocade that was set up stopped supplies from entering cuban waters, and by negotiation, the russians under nikita Krushev's leadership agreed to pull the nukes out. Kennedy secretly agreed to pull our missiles out of turkey if the russians would accept the loss of face in the stand off.The russians removed about 39 warheads from there. We watched the ships pull out of cuban waters, and I spent time at Guantanamo bay base.Hope this clears it up for you.

  6. It wasn't a war, it was known as the "Cuban Missile Crisis".  

    The US instituted a cordon, as the term blockade is an act of war.  The evidence of missiles didn't come primarily from photo-reconnaissance as popular history suggests-actually under the Venona program, the US NSA was reading nearly all encrypted Soviet communications.  Traffic analysis, and direct decrypts confirmed for the US and British (who were also reading traffic) the presence of missiles.  Only after that were missions authorized, which gave publicly releaseable evidence.

  7. Cold war

  8. Cold War.

  9. The U.S. had missile sites in ongoing development in Turkey, and to cut a long story short, a bit of deductive thinking on the parts of the two leaders and a refusal to back down by JFK from his demands the missile sites in Cuba be removed while he more quietly removed missiles from Turkey ended the crisis.  As for 'what war did united states stop etc' that is a bit vague.

  10. we were not at war.  President Kennedy placed a naval blockade around the island and threatened to use nuclear force if needed to stop Russia from placing missiles on the island of Cuba.   According to records We came very very close to launching nuclear weapons.   mr doodles

  11. Not really war.

    There was a blockade in place under President Kennedy.

    Ships coming into Cuba were boarded and searched.

    An invasion was planned that fizzeled.

  12. It was called the Cold War.  It was real fighting war.  The cuban missle crisis was one incident that almost turned the Cold War into a real nuclear hot war.  Just do a google search for cuban missle crisis and you can read all about it.

  13. Ever heard of a little thing called the Cuban Missile Crisis? a book once and a while.

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