
What war will Barack Obama get the United States into when he is elected President?

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What war will Barack Obama get the United States into when he is elected President?




  1. as a secret muslim he may start another civil war

  2. war for BLACK in "planet of the apes"

  3. Probably nothing different than anyone else.

  4. Iran

  5. Maybe he'll start the war on war and give us the Peace that we all want.  Wouldn't that be nice.

  6. He already has one he has to worry about that the president is leaving him with

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    The same as when the Congressmen and Senators leave office with a monster IOU bill and go home after their term in office is over

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    And hopefully Obama will have a little more fore sight than what the elected that have ALWAYS been in office have worried about

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    The time they are in office then ta h**l with the IOU's the country has

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    So as far as another war is


    If he does it will be with the population of some African Island that no one knows about

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  7. War against the dying economy.

  8. which ever is convienent at the time to get the press off his back about a big mistake he made.  Like Clinton and the blue dress and the bombing of the asprin factory in sudan africa

  9. the war on poverty, the war on health care, the war against racism.

  10. If he keeps on the way he is, he may very well create a new version of a type of 'civil war'...I say this with great sadness, and heavy heart...because he may truly not know what he is doing. He seems to be alienating people, while 'quickly dumping' any past associates who've 'blown it', and attempting to be the Teflon man. He's black, he's semi-white, he's a member of a certain church, no he only WAS a regular attender but no longer is...the list well, you get the pic. Wearing a yarmulke, does not a Jew make.

    To be honest, his lack of loyalty to his so-called friends etc. makes me wonder about any integrity or true concern for anyone or anything he is capable of having... except, of course, for his image....

    But hey, please understand...I'm speaking from a basic loyalty, and significant love for our country and our people (as in relationship committment concerns)...I'm totally apolitical for the most part. But then again...I truly believe you can hate politics, but love our beloved AMERICA!

  11. i dnt no

  12. The war on illiteracy and once everyone can read, obesity.

  13. People who say none dont know Barack Obama. He has already threatened to attack Pakistan, which is causing tension in between Pakistan and  America.

    Dont believe me? Read here:

  14. I would hope that a man who has seen some people who have suffered through a civil war as he did when he was in Kenya. Would make him think of other ways to get somethings done. I wonder what he will do about the US army training Ugandan soldiers in fact. I just don't trust the Ugandan army one bit, I just think there is some elements of it that still hark back to the days of Idi Amin.

  15. A civil war.  Whites against blacks.  Guess who wins?

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