
What warrants you to leave a server a good tip!?

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I was just curious since I'm a waitress,plus they say you excell in what your pet peeves are and you make sure NOT to do them.For me it's when a server does not check on me enough or is too serious!At work I kinda annoy some of my customers because I ALWAYS check on them frequently,and I always joke and goof off with them.So what makes yall leave servers good tips?




  1. If the food's good, and just, well, good serving! Or a tidy restaurant/cafe...

  2. Good service.

  3. Good service normally gets a 15% tip. Should be a high quailty place too.

  4. I used to be a waitress and when I go out I do expect certain things or they will get a lower tip.  I have NEVER stiffed a waitress because of bad service...I will complain and leave a dollar but I explain why.  But that only happened twice and I take into consideration how busy the place is too.

    But now I have kids and if the waitress plays to my kids to make it more enjoyable for them...bonus points.  Like if they treat them like she was serving the queen or king.  My kids love that...complete with an accent.  Or she may pull out straws like a magic act.  Sometime they will had crayons out and ask if they will make her a picture for her to take home.  The kids get all excited that somebody wants their artwork.  

    As far as handling adults, be polite, take my order or my husbands, get it correct, check back with the meal, come back a second time for drink refills.  Say it with a different tone...instead of, "would you like a refill" spice it up with "you sure look thirsty after a meal like that, let me get you another one."  That tells the customer that you notice them and their actions.  When coming back for dessert question try adding spice to that too like..."it sure is hot outside today, our banana splits can help cool you down...and they are made by yours truely!"  Or "It is kinda cool outside, how about a piece of hot fresh baked apple pie with a dab of vanilla ice cream on the side".  In saying things that way you get them thinking into something specific that they can put their tastebuds on.

  5. A waitor/waitress has to walk a fine line if I'm going to give a good (30%+) tip.  My glass has to stay full, but not too much...multiple full glasses on my table makes me feel pressured to drink.  Quick service and good presentation are a must.  I realize that quality isn't entirely in the waitor/waitress' fault, but they can keep the cooks on thier toes.

  6. i base the tip on the servers service and not on the food. if i have a problem with the food i call the manager to discuss it. normally i leave 20% if i had no complaints. If i felt ignored, intruded apon (everytime she walks by she talks to us, she should be able to eye us and see we need something) hurried, or if i feel she's imcompetent to do her job i leave 10%,

    Im there to enjoy the company of my guest not get to know the life story of my waitress. Casual chat briefly, is nice but, if she wants to monopolize my time she can also pay for my meal.

    A good waitress can keep an eye on her tables and see if they need something or make eye contact and if i need something i always motion for her to come over.

    The best server i had recently was a man, at a new place that opened up we were trying out, "applebees". He made suggestions was personable but not overbearing and knew when to stop. He was making suggestions from his own experience with the menu which i find more helpful to me as a new diner.

    my worse recent experiece was at a new "carinos" that opened up, the waitress did't know what was in the caprese salad, they only have 3 salads and this is so unique. There were flies all over the place buzzing around while we ate, i asked for my appetizer to come before my meal and of course they both came together i sent the meal back and they returned it after it had been sitting in the warmer for awhile.

  7. You have to show that you really care about the customer and another thing that help is that you should interact with them and recommend things. But don't bug them to much!

  8. For me I think it's when a server can figure out how often to check on me without actually bothering me...for example if they ask me how is everything five times in a five minute period that's gets to be a little annoying and I can't even enjoy my meal, on the other hand if I need something and they haven't been around for twenty minutes that's annoying too.  I'd say if you want really good tips and you want to please almost everyone try just walking by their table often but not asking them.  That way they can let you know if they need something but you won't be bothering them either. Also, some people really enjoy "goofy" servers, but some people just want to have a meal with as little interaction as possible so I'd be my normal "goofy" self at first and if they don't seem to be enjoying it (like rolling their eyes or something, LOL) I would just be polite but serious from then on until they're gone.

  9. Good service, good food helps, though if it isn't, It's not the servers fault. I try to remember that.

    I'm a good tipper, 20-25 percent cause I go to the same places a lot and I like good service, tipping well regularly at the same place tends to lead to great service.

    You sound like a good waitress, funny and attentive. I would probably leave you a nice tip, of course some people dont tip no matter how good the service is.

  10. I'll leave a nice tip whenever my server pays attention to me and makes sure my stay at the restaurant is a pleasant experience.

    It can be the little things like prompt refills, suggestions (shows they care - or at least know - about the food they are serving), handling any problems that may occur in a professional manner.... and simply making sure I am having a good time AND letting me enjoy my meal with my company without becoming a pest.

    I don't want the red carpet treatment, I just want someone who is pleasant, happy, courteous, and competent.

  11. I'm a waitress too, and I always check on them and I always joke when I can. People come in just so that I bust them on something.

    It's just a shame because some people suck as tippers. You can't change them no matter what. You get the "serious" people, and some that have no personality. It's a funny world out there.

    I had a table that ran my butt off, and then they leave $2 for a $26 bill. I felt like running out in the parking lot and throwing the tip at them. I was nice and attentive to them, and that was the thanks I got.

    I don't like the feeling I get sometimes from people that look down on us because we're waitresses. At least I'm working and not on welfare.

    I've been waitressing for 24 years. I love it overall, but sometimes people are cheap and rude. And it's not going to get any better!!!

  12. effort!  if the server doesn't get to you enough, but you see she has like 10 tables and is trying, tip her great!! If you are not being seen and she is standing around pickin her nose, stiff her.

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