
What wars are happening right now in the world and why?

by  |  earlier

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I know this a vague but anyway...

Thank you!




  1. Iraq, still. And something with Europe, Russia I believe.

  2. Russia invaded Georgia.

    I personally think it's at least partially because they want to provoke the USA, they've said that they wouldn't mind another Cold War.  

  3. Wars are constant, and not always noted in the media. The obvious ones are Iraq and the one in Georgia near Russia is SUPPOSED to be over, but there is still c**p going on.

    Somalia is still a problem. Rwanda is still a mess, I am sure. Mexico has a lot of crime going on with kidnapping --- innocent families being made to pay tons of money to get loved ones back-- I consider that war like. There are gangs who are fighting in LA and other large cities.

    People will always be in strife.  

  4. Declared none, I think what is happening in most places are military actions

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