
What wars have been fought for the purpose of controlling crops and/or oils?

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What wars have been fought for the purpose of controlling crops and/or oils?




  1. eg the anglo-chinese wars in 19th century were fought for silk, tea.  china didnt want anything the west had but the west had to think of something that china will want.  they introduce opium!  that led to the decline of the chinese empire.  

    iraq war - was as much abt controlling the oil reserves that iraq has and overthrowing saddam who refuse to cooperate with the west.  had he agreed to sell all those oil - they wld allow him to continue in power.  

    the american war agst the first nation people are all about controlling land and its yield.  america is so big and they had to get rid of the natives for they occupy most of the fertile lands along river banks.  this also led to the destruction of a way of life

  2. I'm sure that there were some, but I can't think of any.

    Most wars are fought to impose a religious, moral or political view on others.

    Most countries have determined that it is easier to attempt to establish a resource rich region as a trade partner in a negotiated manner, rather than attempting the complete overthrow of the government.

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