
What was 19th century Germany like?

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Hello, i'm doing a paper on German immigration to America in the 19th century. One of the requirements is to write a paragraph on their life before immigrating over.

Can someone help me and give me a general idea of what life was like in Germany in the 19th century?





  1. you can type in German 19th century life. But I know that when I went ot Germany 2 years ago I went to alot of muesums and it was very different.

  2. I only remember from my history lessons that life in the late 19th century was much influenced by the industrial revolution which swept over from Britain, and there were many poor and underpaid laborers, which for many has been a cause for emigration.

    It's difficult to give an overview of the WHOLE 19th century in Germany; I think the Wikipedia article on "German history" will serve you best. Another keyword to search for would be "industrial revolution" or "2nd industrial revolution".

    I would have loved to link to a documentary or something, but can't find anything that's specifically on Germany. But, I think if you imagine the life of an average urban worker in Germany at that time just like that of a British worker during the industrial revolution, you're not too far from the truth, and there are many documentaries on that e.g. on Google Video.

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