
What was Africa called before it was conquered

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people assume it had not life before European invasion what was the library of Alexandria called before Alexandra came. what the h**l is the middle east. wheres the middle west south and north.did you know "Africa" can fit every content in it and still have room to spare.why is the world in aw and still robbing this nation to the extinct of no other country. is it because of its endless riches ,or could it be that with all our technology we have today we still cant build with the mathematical percission my people did back then and were trying to find what they had that we dont, or yet could it be they had the longest running dynasty in pic one. no one is knocking down the doors Europe stealing and pillaging.could the reason Africa is so poor even though it supplies the wealth of the world is because it is not in owner ship of itself. how much more lies have you been told why don't you know your being lied too,and if you don't what else are they hiding. can you all be that duped it is all Africa (al-kan-bul ) every other country retains the languages and their tribal name Russia sounds Russian. japan sound Japanese where did we get the word Africa don't sound like our dialect (Egypt was called kemit) Egyptian were called kemeations .so if you wanna study this region first get the names right before you read into a lie . it was important to change or name history and languages, why. why was teaching a slave to read punishable by death. what importance did this have if you had the people. was this to disconnect them from the only truth that was untainted. famous saying by slave masters if you wanna hide something from a ****** put it in a book they don't read.but first i would like to thank the Europeans for at least lying about the truth instead of totally destroying it at least we can find our way back.but what most gives me hope for thousnads of years Europeans have killed enslaved raped imprisoned riddled with disease and castrated my people and many more and guess what were still here.that's god plans and what god has brought together let no man bring asunder




  1. You obviously have a good mind with a lot of fairly deep questions.

    The problem here is that you have that deep mind with a lot of shallow information.  you might want to study history a little more and form opinions after you study.  Slavery was not particular to africans or africa in general.  For that matter you seem to clump all of africa into one catagory.  its a big continent with a lot of tribes and few nations.

    check on tribal thinking and see if it differs from nationalism.  You might have an epiphony right there.

  2. Africa is a continent, not a country and as far back as Roman times it was known as Africa. Sorry but this is really racist. Most of the slavery period you are referring to was from sub-Saharan Africa in historic times. Slavery and it's cruelties far predated that and was not confined to Africans alone. I am not excusing the enslavement of Africans. Just stating facts. For the record Europeans were enslaved by Africans on a lesser scale. The Barbary pirates regularly staged slave raids as far north as the British Isles on coastal villages...And Arab slave traders as well as African tribes were a large part of the slave trade. Some African kings even sold their own people to slave traders. Slavery and the slave trade is too complex a subject for simple answers.....

  3. 'Africa' was the name the Romans gave the part of the continent where Tunisia is.   When it was discovered this was part of a larger continent, in the 15th century - Ceasar, for example, had a plan go around it by sailing around what's now Algeria - Map-makers applied the name to the whole continent.

    This practice is not unusual.  The Greeks called (what is now) Turkey by the name of 'Asia', and that name got applied to the whole continent.

  4. My answer will be based on the question: what was Africa called before it was conquered. It was called the Dark continent, because it was the last continent to be discovered according to world history. Largely, it was colonized by British but after the two world wars and in the popularity of democracy and republic, British empire reduced into merely just a Kingdom, thus, some of its colonies in Africa declared its independence and are known today as members of the British commonwealth of nations.

  5. The Lion of Judah


  6. man you are fu-king retarded

    * alexander came, not alexandra

    * that name was appropriated by the europoeans to title the land between europe (west) and the orient (east)

    * no continent can fit all other's within it

    * AWE, and africa's a continent



    * there's no great african dynasty

    * the european gov't is

    * it's called capitolism

    * being lied to by people like you

    * again africa is not a country

    * because people don't speak african, cause it's not a nation.. it's a continent.. again

    * it's important to name things so that everybody knows what the fu-king h**l you're talking about

    * racism similar to your own

    * cause in some places there were twice as many slaves as whites (US)

    * futher your racism

    * who exactly are 'your' people, i'd hate to be leaded by a person like you

    your "arguement" has been, i feel, thouroughly destroyed

    have a nice life :)

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