
What was Big Empty Spot before 1948?

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Jews keep saying "Palestine never existed" and "no one ever called it that". So what was it called before the Mighty Ducks of the UN changed gave Big Empty Spot that Biblestuff-name name in 1948?




  1. Shirley: The Israeli leaders so far do not recognize the Palestinian right to exist.

  2. Any library will have lots of pre-1948 books on some strange entity known as Palestine which purportedly had actual people living there before may 14,1948. With my own eyes I have seen maps in pre-1948 encyclopedias. They aren't wiped off or anything,as they surely should be. You would think by now these books would have been burned as dirt rotten no-good Terrorist Propaganda.

  3. I don't know where you got your grazy idea that jews say the land was never called palestine. Did you know the land was first called Palestine while Jews were the majority? Did you know that "Palestinians" are Arabs and that the Philistines where early Greeks and in no way related to Arabs???

  4. I know not. After the Israelis left, it simply sat around for two thousand years. Certainly there are not millions who previously inhabited it that might now object it was not so empty. That is a silly rumor spread by anti-Semites out to destroy all the world's Jews with their propaganda and forged books.

    (It was actually a region of the Ottoman Empire. It received the name Palestine after the end of World War I--a good while before Israel was created in World War II.)

  5. The Jews know it as their Holy Land. Supposedly,given to them by God many, many years ago. The land is also considered the land Jesus walked by Christians and the land Muhammad walked by Muslims. Neither one can accept the other as all three religions come from long lines of pride. Believe or not though Islam and Christianity can both trace their roots to Judaism. Though many of both don't want to admit it.

  6. Before 1948 my Palestinian family used to live in this cave and all they ate was dirt.

    Sometimes they would take a piece of matzah given to them by the good Jews from Europe and then sprinkle the dirt on top of it.

    Now we have a house built by the Israelis, 40 acres of land and a mule. But the problem is that we are so lazy we need the Jewish settlers to come and plant our land for us.

    Sometimes we'll ask them to clean our house and they kindly do so.

    I miss eating dirt. How I wish the Israelis would bulldozed our house so we can go back to living in a cave.

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