
What was Einstein's reasoning behind his quote "World War 4 will be fought with sticks and stones?"

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What was Einstein's reasoning behind his quote "World War 4 will be fought with sticks and stones?"




  1. Because by the end of WW3 there would be nothing left, we would have just had a nuclear holocaust.

  2. because world war 3 is going to be a nuclear war, and is going to annihilate any technology.  so, for the people who actually survive WW3, they'll only have sticks and stones to fight with

  3. What they said↑.

    Einstein figured that weapons had become sufficiently advanced that another world war would be so absolutely devastating that, in addition to the human cost, technology would be destroyed to the point where sticks and stones would once again be the forefront of military technology.

  4. I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones. Albert Einstein

    The weapons that would be used to fight a third world war are so destructive there wouldn't be anything left in the form of weaponry or humans (as we know them today) to fight a 4th world war.   Because humans would have been wiped out, we would have regressed - having to start the evolution process of humans all over again.  Early mans' first tools and weapons were sticks and stones.

    Einstein was a great pacifist:  he also said

    "The release of atom power has changed everything except our way of thinking... the solution to this problem lies in the heart of mankind. If only I had known, I should have become a watchmaker."

  5. Because WW3 will have led to the collapse of civilization.

    There will be no other weapons left.

  6. He was refering to the then widely held belief that world war III would be held with nucular weapons, thus bascially eliminating all of civilized mankind in the process.

  7. WW3 would take out all our weapons and infrastructure, so we'll  be back to the stone ages, so to speak.

  8. World War III will destroy civilization and put us back in the Stone Age.

  9. It was because world war 3 would be a nuclear war using nuclear weapons which will devastate the earth in a holocaust, destroying all technology and conventional weapons thereby leaving mankind back in the stone age.

  10. That the use of the atom in WW3 would reduce civilization to the stone age - for any survivors left from the war. Hence his comments regarding the next war. As a species, we're the most violent on the planet, none other kill each other off quite like we do.

  11. That the impact of another world war would be so devastating that society as we know it would crumble. Therefore, we would be back to a pretechnology culture where there would be no weapons.

  12. i have the same answer as that of what "DreGGs" has given.Good answer. :-)

  13. Probably because he knew the nuclear age would wipe us out. He came up with the idea behind the first atomic bomb, but I think he regretted it, seeing how it could be, and has been, used. By using nuclear weapons, we would eventually obliterate our resources, structures, everything. We would keep having wars, as we have had wars since the beginning of time as we know it, but we would have to fight primitively because we would have lost our technology.

  14. World War 3 will completely eradicate technology as we know it.

  15. There won't be a WW4 if it's all planned like some say it is. There will be a WW3, which originates from the mid-east once a Palestinian state is created.

    I don't think our technology will be annihilated. There won't be nuclear war because the people who really are in control wouldn't do that. They'd sent their pawns (us) in like they always do to die.

    Albert Pike in the late 1800s made an outline of three wars which would need to take place in order to establish a one world government. What he said with the first two wars happened as written, and it looks like it'll come true for the third/last one as well.

  16. He was saying that if we allow a Third World War, which will inevitably involve NUCLEAR weapons, then the devastation will be so immense and extensive, that humanity will be reduced to sticks and stones.

    And he was right.

  17. He anticipated that World War III would see nuclear weapons unleashed which would wipe out civilization completely. Those few human survivors would be without technology completely and if for whatever reason, they should declare war amongst themselves, it could only be done with sticks and stones, commonly found 'weapons' of nature.

  18. Because WWIII will completely destroy civilization as we know it, leaving us in a postappocoliptic wasteland.

  19. Well you must think about three what who be left after the nuke winter ? starchildxv1

  20. his brain.....

    sorry idk..

    may be his visualization of the future .....

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