
What was George Bushes goal?

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What was George Bushes goal?




  1. I'm not sure.  I mean, during his campaign he says he wants to lower taxes, yet during his Presidency he increases them...?  I dunno, a lot of conservatives are at a loss as to what he did and why, he compromised his beliefs way too much.

  2. 1) Reward his friends. Punish his enemies.

    2) Restore the powers of the office of the president that were removed after Tricky d**k Nixon resigned.

    3) transform the country from a democracy to a fascist oligarchy run by the CEOs of the Fortune 500 that would reign (in the words of Karl Rove) for a thousand years.

  3. He's living it, to be the commander in chief, it fits his ego well. It's a shame he's really nothing more than the mouth-piece/fall guy for the real powers that be in the republican party. People like his father and VP Cheney to name two. This administration has grown government, spent like crazy, ignored our open borders continuing to allow illegals to cross at their leisure and take more jobs from Americans. Consolidate power in the extremely secretive executive branch. Driven the price of oil from twenty to one twenty in six years, helped to create the atmosphere where business went wild, the rich got richer and now most of us are paying for their greed with failures in industry and in that wake home foreclosures at all time highs, jobs disappearing overseas, energy costs alone hurting many while some become even more obscenely wealthy, all at the expense of most of us. Take a good look around America and the world, this is what we get after eight years of republican leadership. I've always said actions speak louder than words, you can tell me anything, show me, they have and I don't care for it one little bit.

  4. to collect as much money he can before he leaves office, mostly tax payers money.

  5. To build "an enduring Republican majority". You know. Like how Mexico was run by one party for 70 years. Did wonders for them!

  6. Bigger government....

  7. To s***w over as many Americans as he could - same as McTooOld!

  8. New World Order, the erosion of your civil liberties through the Patriot Act. Research it before you ignorant Americans label it as "left wing loonie nonsense"

  9. He and his father are globalists.  They want the US to be the world's police force that spreads democracy throughout the world while the taxpayers and their grandchildren pay for it.

  10. perhaps he thought he was doing the right thing and because all america and congress gave him the power to do whatever he wants much like Putin is now doing...not necessarily rational but what is in politics.

  11. Im pretty sure, the whole America is still trying to figure that out!?

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