
What was Jew's life like under Hitler?

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need answers ASAP! if possible make it long. thanks! =)




  1. The Jews were splint up depending on their ability and worth.  There were camps and ghettos.  It was not only Jews but many people of non-Christian faith.  This included Jahovah's Witnesses and Freemasons.  POWs, g**s, and disabled people were also sent to camps.  Many of the people were litterally worked to death.  They worked 12 to 14 hour shifts not including the role call that was prior to and after the work shifts.  Once someone was unable to work or deemed unfit they were exterminated.  People were used in medical experiments including the cold water immersion experiment.  There was a story of two twins that were sown together back to back like siemese twins they screamed from the pain and infection...the mother eventually found morphin and ended their suffering.  They performed experiments by freezing people, putting them in high pressure chambers, injecting chemicals in their eyes in an attempt to change eye color and the people that survived the experiments were always killed and disected.  As for the Jewish specifically anyone who had three to four Jewish Grandparents were to be exterminated immediately...the only way to escape it was to become another faith but this didn't apply to European occupied Jews.  Jews were put in ghettos to starve prior to being shipped to extermination camps.  If they survived the train ride the went through selection and if they were sent to the right you got slave labor if you were sent to the left you went to the gas chamber.  

    So thats the short story...the Germans were hopped up on was dispensed among the ranks under the trade name Pervitin.  They also put it in chocolate called Flyer's Chocolate or Tanker's Chocolate.  Hitler's personal physician Theodor Morell frequently gave him intervenous doses of methamphetamine for the treatment of depression and fatigue but it was also be rumored for treatment of his Parkinson's symptoms.  Nonetheless...I believe thats why the n**i's had hallucinations of the Jews taking over the world so they all must die.  The first extermination camps were built in 1942...Hitler started meth in draw your own conclusions.

  2. They were heavily oppressed! In the mid 1930's Jewish shops were vandalized, Jews were sterilized and taunted. Later, the ones who could not flee the n***s were forced to move into cramped ghettos where they often starved and many were sent to concentration camps. Millions of Jews were systematically exterminated under Hitler's treacherous conquest for power.

  3. A Jew had no life under Hitler. They were not allowed to own anything including the clothes on their backs.

               A man IE: if lucky was sent to the forced labor camps. They were fed just enough to sustain thm for about six weks. No clothing, little food and no shelter, they would last between four to eight weeks then they wuld be passed over and new, taking their places.

                 Sent to the expermination plants, then it was only a matter of time until death. Some, many, were experimented on by unholy doctors, one relating he could casterate a man in less then twelve seconds, three out of four died due to shock, no pain or drugs were used on them. The women met the same fate.

                  Famlies were split up, men sent to labor camps, womed to seperate camps young children to still other camps.

                  The same fate was due for the mentally insane, the disabled, the blacks and men of color, anyone that couldn't produce testamony that went back five generations to prove they were of Arian decent

  4. Well I think it must be pretty bad! Imagine being separated from ur family and sent to dreadful torture places! It must be realli scary too as everyday, there is possible attacks and stuff. And jews had to have rules like they can't shop and certain times and had to do stuff at certain times. Soldiers would also attack and shoot Jews! It must be a scary and darkened life!

    Oh BTW if u wanna read soem books about Jews in the war, read:

    Anne Frank's diary

    Once by Morris Gleitzman

    When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit by Judith Kerr

  5. Jews were treated like absolute RUBBISH ! Basically Hitler was trying to blame someone for all the problems that occured in Germany after the 'Great depression' of the 1930s, so he used the Jews and other minorities such as homosexuals, gypsys and blacks as scapegoats. Hitler had always hated the Jews for some reason, which he expressed in his book 'Mein Kampf' (meaning 'my struggle' in german). When he came to power one of the first things he did was to try and discriminate the jews. He therefore began Chrystal nacht, which was when the Germans would go and smash up Jewish synagogues and buildings on a regular basis. In schools, teachers would be told to make the jews stand at the front of the class and bully them, and they also told stories and published cartoons and picturebooks which portrayed the jews as dirty, slimey, money-grabbing, greed-driven scumbags. As things started to get worse, concentration camps were set up in which they would send jews to die. In aushwitzt, one of the main concentration camps, all the jews would be be seperated into two groups.. a) the young and strong who would be kept alive to go and work, and b) the women, children, elderly and sick who would be sent to die. The group b) who were sent to die would have NO IDEA what was happening. They were told to undress and they put their clothes on a peg and were even told to remember the number so that when they came out they could remember which clothes belonged to them. They were told to get into a mass shower and wash themselves so they would be ready to start work. Then, all the lights would go completely out and instead of water being poured in, the deadly gas 'Zyclon B' was poured through the vent. This meant the jews died slowly and painfully.

    So yeah, basically they were treated absolutely horrificly. Hope this helps x

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