
What was Jim Cramer's bachelor's degree in?

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I know it was from Harvard, I don't care. What was it in? And yes I know he got a law degree from Harvard. Don't care. I am trying to see how much he really has been taught about investing and finance, because they don't teach all that much at law school.




  1. You can look his bio up on wikipedia. He was hired by Goldman Sachs after he graduated from school. After that, he moved around and got into the hedge fund business. Nobody learns the ins and outs of investing from any degree program. Just as brand new lawyers fresh from law school don't know anything about practicing law. They learn on the job, and continue learning the rest of their lives.

  2. Government.

    "Q: What college/graduate schools did you attend? In what year did you graduate? What did you major/concentrate in?

    A: I graduated Harvard College in 1977, Harvard Law in 1984. I was a government major."

  3. if wikipedia doesn't know, how should I?

  4. No academic insititution teaches investing the way it's done in the real world.  

    There are many very successful investors and traders who have never been educated academically in finance and/or investing.

    To be a good at investing and/or trading, one only needs to understand the basics of finance, and economics. A little accounting and statisitics is also helpful, but formal education is not.

    This is not saying Cramer is a successful investor, but he is a better showman than he is a trader..

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