
What was McCain's reason for choosing his running mate?

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Did he choose her because he thought she was the best person, in his opinion, to run the country in his absence or did he only choose her because it would win him the election? If he did wouldn't that just show that he cares more about his own interests then everyone else's?




  1. He liked that the uncle will only be 8 months older than the nephew/niece.

  2. McCain probably had very little to do with Palin being chosen as his running mate.  He was told she would be it, and he met with her finally.

    He needs her to win over the conservative evangelicals, and they have hopes she will bring in more women too.  He's not running his campaign they are running him.

  3. He chose her because she's a woman and he thought that would help his campaign. Not because he respects her or what she may have to offer. The guy is just after whatever positively contributes towards his image.

  4. "f he did wouldn't that just show that he cares more about his own interests then everyone else's?"

    like EVERY politician?

  5. she has boobies like hilary and that chauvenist thought all hillary's female supporterts would run toward a women

  6. Karl Rove told him he had better get a religious nut job if he wanted to win the election; the same advice he gave George Bush.

  7. Kinda the same reason Daddy Bush choose Dan Quayle, someone younger and differant from him.

  8. Obama accuses McCain of being a Washington insider.  Palin never served in Washington.  Obama promises to change the way Washington operates getting rid of corruption.  Palin has already cleaned up the corruption in Alaska which was being committed by members of her own party.  Obama appeals to youth.  Palin is younger than Obama.  Obama is making history.  Palin is also making history.  Obama has no executive experience.  Palin has executive experience, although short, and also has experience with the military in heading the National Guard in Alaska.  Obama is very left.  Palin is very right and is living her convictions both privately and publicly.  

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