
What was McCain thinking? Palin? Really?

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She was on the city council and only governor for two years. The state of Alaska has a smaller population then Austin- the fourth biggest city in Texas.




  1. I think that he did it to attract women voters....since Hillary wasn't treated too good by the Democrats.  I think that Palin even mentioned Hillary Clinton in her speech today.

  2. Is America a chessboard where John McCain must risk it all to win at any cost?

    Sarah Palin sounds like a good person. I only ask at what point did she had aspirations to be READY as president of the USA. At least Obama put USA first as someone who can step in at a moments notice. McCain attack Obama for his inexperiences and bad judgments. McCain has put America at risk and I will not stand for it, if McCain should wins and god forsake something happens to him, I sure hope that the risk that YOU have made was a wise decision out of your faulty ones. I sure hope that RUSSIA does not attack anyone else...Lastly I do not want my children to be at risk because we have to put faith in your DECISION. I heard that she was at the Bottom of the list and for some reason jumped to the top really quickly. You must know something about her or know her very well...

    This is an insult to my great great grandmother...

  3. I think that McCain just lost any chance he might have had of winning the election when he announced his choice of running mate.  I cannot even imagine a more ill conceived plan.  I was one of the undecided voters that both partys are wooing, but it will take something spectacular to make me take McCain seriously.

  4. McCain just gifted Obama the white house

  5. Her husband is in the Steelmakers Union- she will get the union vote.....

    Her son is going in the military and John McCain was a POW - they will get a majority military vote....

    She will get the vote of numerous working women in America.....

    She will even get some votes from soccer moms....

    Brilliant decision.... he could only have done better if he picked an African American women like Condelisa Rice.  However, dems would say she was too much of the same old Washington.  So this was brilliant....  lots of African American men like white women- maybe she will get that vote as well.

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