
What was McCain thinking!?

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I understand the strategy of trying to get a female for a VP candidate after Obama passed on Clinton, but McCain's VP choice may be the worst in the history of the US. She has less than two years experience as governor of one of the smallest populated states in the US. This is all backed by experience as a mayor of a town of 5,000 people! And only a bachelors degree? WOW




  1. he's thinking he really likes to hear "hail to the chief"

  2. Do you have a high school diploma or a job?

  3. Ha ha ha.......Don`t be so bitter...there`s always 2012.

  4. Ur right. Any woman who was going to vote for Clinton wouldn't even consider voting for Palin. I hope he loses

  5. Hey whatever... if you gotta spend time in the oval office, it might as well be with a cutie, eh?

  6. Wow, you sound like an Elitist woman hater.

  7. Senator John Mccain has clearly chosen Stalin because of her appeal to Women voters and her agreement with his WAR policies even though he doesnt know her from anyone and she has ZERO experience at this level.......

    So they want us to have a 72 year old heart attack survivor as our President and a woman who has a WHOLE LOT to learn in a very SHORT amont of time because she is extremely inexperienced at this level as V.P


    if that isnt a recipe to have this Country in shambles I dont know what is..

    also if anyone cliamied to be a HILLARY CLINTON supporter they would obviously not vote for STALIN who"s standing on vital issues are  the complete opposite of Hillarys beliefs

  8. I think this is not a well thought out choice by any measure. I admit it, I am a proud liberal and firmly believe a little elitism would be nice after eight years of the Bush / Cheney whitehouse. Even from the most unbiased position, one would have to acknowledge that Mccain will spend at least two to three weeks getting voters comfortable with this person.  I have never heard of Ms. Paulin and I consider myself a CNN, C-SPAN, NPR political junkie. During these precious weeks a thoughtful Obama and plain spoken Joe Biden will continue to erode the middle class support from Mccain by sharpening their attacks and highlighting what some consider a dismal record on middle class voter issues. Sorry, if I offended any Republicans :).

  9. It had to be a woman or an African American.

    There's no way McCain would pick a black person.

    Plus, he had to find someone less qualified than he is, which was almost impossible.

  10. She's over 35 and born in the USA.  She's qualified. (AND THEN SOME)  Where's Obama's birth certificate anyway?  He can't even prove he was born in Hawaii?

  11. H e wants to appeal to Hillary voters who will HATE Palin and to religiouc conservatives who HATE McCain, he isn't fooling anyone.

    I'll vote BOB BARR, thanks.

  12. The part that I dont get is that he only meet her one time before he made this important decision. How can I have trust in such a president who seems so spontaneous. The way it looks is if he only picked her for purely political reasons to win the election without as much as considering who would be best to help lead the country. So much for putting the country first before self.

  13. Nostradamus is predicting a woman president. Now we have two candidates ...Clinton and Palin

  14. She makes Obama look like he has the experience of Thomas Jefferson.

  15. But maybe the fact that she is more like an everyday person who does live a real life  with some experience (more than Obama) will be the right thing for us all .

  16. She matches Obama better than Biden.  McCain matches Biden better than Obama.  Together they match up as teams pretty well.  We will have to see how she holds up during the VP debate.

  17. Yeah but SHE'S GOT LEGS.....!!!!!

    Aggie come to mamma baby!!!  I'll show you what experience is!!! MMMMWAAAH!!!!!

  18. She has more experience than Obama. While Obama was doing community service, she was a mayor! Give me a break.  

  19. yeah, it's crazy, Obama has twice her experience, that's two years more!!!

    but then McCain has 5 times and 2 years more experience than Obama

    And then there's Biden who was pretty much born into the Senate. I think it pretty much levels out, they seem to be pretty much packing the same punch.

  20. So your saying only big state with an education beyond a bachelor's degree should be in Washington?

    That's kind of elitist slap in your face to people from all the smaller states.

    Maybe Democrats don't really want change afterwards, they just want to be in power and call them bing in power cahnge.

  21. Educate yourself with her accomplishments.  She has more then Obama and he is running for Pres.

  22. I think maybe he was thinking about winning.

    Many of us think Obama sucks, even as moderate Democrats.

    Palin was a good choice to lock our votes in.

    Her record of attacking corruption is a much stronger "CHANGE" message than Obama's lip service, but no action.

  23. She's an excellent choice.

    She has already proved that she has integrity.

    She cleaned up all the corruption and special interests in her state.

    To me, that's a MAJOR accomplishment!

    I doubt very much that Obama would have the nads to accomplish that.

  24. Desperation is the word

  25. We have had experienced presidents for a long time..what good has it done us..we have had messes...we have done better with  actors like ronald regan and southern govenors like bill clinton.

    I prefer a uneducated idiot to the elitist snobs we get for candidates anymore.  

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