
What was Mr.M playing if it wasnt n**i-Camp games?

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I dont say its wrong to play games, is it wrong to play Cowboys and Indians/War Games etc.if theyre based on truth?

But 'n**i Lies'? Prison Guards, Military Uniform, speaking German, beating prisoners, what were they playing then?




  1. All a bit sick, but is it in the publics' interests to know about it?

    Surely what you do in private between consenting adults is your own business.

  2. I dread to think!

  3. How does one get an invite to such a party ?

  4. It was the delousing bit that got me.

    You're right - everything was done to make it look like a concentration camp and there is no other plausible explanation for the actions in the video.

    Basically no judge would say it was definitely n**i orientated unless he had a witness stating that it was, so Max got away with it.

    It's Max's weird idea that he is now fit to run the largest motoring body in the world that still confuses me. I don't give a d**n about what he did but he has to resign.

  5. i am glad that the news-of-the-world had to pay costs etc. are they all above board what sort of kinky things do some of them get up to. let he who is innocent cast the first stone  [a quotation from the bible]

  6. Saying that just cost the News of the world £60,000 so Id be careful

  7. Guantanamo Bay perhaps? ;-)

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