
What was Neville Chamberlain's mistake?

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What was Neville Chamberlain's mistake?




  1. Chamberlain came back from Munich waving a piece of paper and declaring "Peace in our time." This was 30 September 1938 and WWII began 1 September 1939.

    The only positive aspect of the Munich Agreement was England obtained another year to prepare for war.

  2. .His worst mistake was his choice of advisers

  3. Chamberlain followed Blum as Prime Minister of England, and also adopted his policy of nonaggression. chamberlain felt that Germany had been unfairly treated after WWI in the Treaty of Versailles. Chamberlain trusted Hitler, and gave Germany the Sudetenland. Many believe this was the impetus Hitler needed to declare war on Europe.

  4. Appeasement of aggression by the fascist governments of Italy and Germany and a policy of non-intervention which effectively destroyed any possibility that the League of Nations could function effectively, or even at all.

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