
What was Satan the Devil's original name?

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this spirit creature was originally the chief adversary of God and all who worship God, but when he fell away from God the name of Satan was given so what was his original name




  1. Celine Dion

  2. Lucifer, and there is also Hasatan which means Advesary, but he is the accuser of mankind kind of like a prosecuting attorney you might say.  If I understood what I was told.  It's been a while since I had talked about it.

    Lucifer though is the one who rebelled and took 1/3 of the angels with him when he was kicked out of heaven.

  3. Lucifer and his sons name as they say will be Damion

  4. Its not Satan, Devil nor Lucifer. Its actually mentioned in the Book of Enoch (approved of by God in Hebrews 11). Its an odd name but can't recall it. Here is a link to Book of Enoch to take a look.

    Look for the area when its talking about what the fallen angels taught men and I believe Satan's name is there.

  5. No it was originally Lucifer

  6. A-bad'-don .......... A-pol'-ly-on

  7. Lucifer...he was an angel

  8. Iblis (e blees)

  9. Satan:

    sa’-tan (saTan), "adversary," from the verb saTan, "to lie in wait" (as adversary); Satan, Satanas, "adversary," diabolos, "Devil," "adversary" or "accuser," kategor (altogether unclassical and unGreek) (used once in Re 12:10), "accuser"):

    Names of Satan:

    The most important of these are the Hebrew and Greek equivalents noticed above. These words are used in the general sense justified by their etymological significance. It is applied even to Yahweh Himself (Nu 22:22,32; compare 1Sa 29:4; 2Sa 19:22; Ps 109:6, etc.). The word "Satan" is used 24 times in the Old Testament. In Job (1:6 f) and Zec (3:1 f) it has the prefixed definite article. In all cases but one when the article is omitted it is used in a general sense. This one exception is 1Ch 21:1 (compare 2Sa 24:1), where the word is generally conceded to be used as a proper name. This meaning is fixed in New Testament times. We are thus enabled to note in the term "Satan" (and Devil) the growth of a word from a general term to an appellation and later to a proper name. All the other names of Satan save only these two are descriptive titles. In addition to these two principal names a number of others deserve specific enumeration. Tempter (Mt 4:5; 1Th 3:5); Beelzebub (Mt 12:24); Enemy (Mt 13:39); Evil One (Mt 13:19,38; 1Joh 2:13,14; 3:12, and particularly 1Joh 5:18); Belial (2Co 6:15); Adversary (antidikos), (1Pe 5:8); Deceiver (literally "the one who deceives") (Re 12:9); Dragon (Great) (Re 12:3); Father of Lies (Joh 8:44); Murderer (Joh 8:44); Sinner (1 #Joh 3:8)—these are isolated references occurring from 1 to 3 times each. In the vast majority of passages (70 out of 83) either Satan or Devil is used.

  10. His real name was Garry.

  11. Iblis in islam

    lucifer in christianity.

    different names, same being.

  12. his true name was

    Lucifer morning star

    ironically he was that archangel of light  

  13. Baellzibub or some such name.

  14. Lucifer

  15. Satan-Lucifer Beelzebub on earth its  belza-bob

  16. Lucifer. He was the most beautiful of all the Angels.

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