
What was The scariest story you heard at camp??

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When I was at girl scout camp there was a small small blue house by this big house where a family with a girl lived. The baby doll was haunted. so when the girl went in the doll house the baby had a knife and killed her. the next morning they found her in the lake. they say if you say, "baby doll" five times and you live the curtain of the window open you will see the whole murder happen in your dreams but instead of the girl it will be you. And that every night there after the baby doll will come to you and try to kill you but one way she can't kill you if you have a candle burning by your bed. (She's plastic so it will burn her) one freaky detail about her was her eye. it was like cracked red. I am so afraid to do it.




  1. The scariest story I ever heard at camp involved corn, talcum powder and the smell of onions.

  2. I can't remember which was scariest, but I do remember sneaking up behind other kids and grabbing them and hollering  and scarring them. Just me.

  3. Wow that is scary! I dont go to ca,p so i dont have scary stories from camp. but wow im freaked out!

  4. I have heard many stories at camps over the years, And I have experienced even more, and told people about them.  But the scariest one was probably one that I had to find out the hard way later.  We were at camp, and one of our teachers had told us that she had had an experience at our West elementary school.  It was the normal lights going out, creepy figures, all of which I had seen myself.  But then she said what I had thought only I had seen. A little girl.  She sings on the balcony at the school.  The balcony that she had fallen off of when she went there.  I have even heard her song.  

    That has to be the scariest story and experience that I have ever heard/had.  I am doing more investigations this summer hopefully.  So....ya.  I csn't wait. I just want to help the girl cross over.

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