
What was USgov after when it went into Iraq? Was it for justice&democracy for Iraqis,or revenge,oil&control

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The fully- worded Q is this: What was USgov after when it went into Iraq? Was it to bring justice & democracy to the Iraqis living under a rogue and dangerous dictator,or was it for revenge, oil & added position & control of the oil region. In other words, Was it for liberal causes or conservatve ends, respectively?

Serious A's only, esp if you can support your choice with meaningful statements that put the decision to go in w/the Brits w/o full NATO or UN backing.




  1. It was to bring down a dictator who used to experiment on his own people with biological weapons and allowed his own sons to kidnap and rape innocent girls for their own perverted pleasure.

    Yes, Saddam Hussein was a ****** who kept the three major ethnic groups under his heel at all times. But once Saddam was brought dow, you had all three fighting over control of the whole nation.

    You had the Sunnis(Saddams people ) watching as their way of life with electricity,running water,indoor plumbing,garbage collection,all being threatened. They wanted their leader back in power.

    The Kurds were trying to unite with the Kurds in Turkey to make a Kurdish state of their own. Do you think the U.N.,Turkey,and Iraq were simply going to stand by and watch this happen? h**l no!

    Then you have the Shiites who not only didn't trust the other two,but especially didn't trust outsiders are trying to unite with other Shiite factions in Lebanon and Syria to form their own state.

    We are that wedge that's keeping the  whole country from erupting into a civil war .

    Can you imagine what would happen to this entire planet if someone decided to  detonate a nuclear bomb  on those Iraqi oilfields?

  2. They repeatedly fired at our planes in violation of the peace accord, and the wmd's we thought they had, or could have been moved.

  3. It was called (O)peration (I)raqi (L)iberation... and that spells OIL... they even were so ARROGANT they TOLD the gullible AmeriKan people it was a war for OIL and nobody noticed it... and now there is the so called DISCOVERY that the war was for the oil companies.

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