
What was a person suffering at around the moment the person died?

by Guest57403  |  earlier

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Was it a feeling of being painful, casual or even comfortable? Where was his/her mind going then? Would his/her mind vanish? Would the mind vanish forever or rivive one day? Is there a principle to predict whether it would be smarter or foolisher? Are there any specialties for people to research this kind things?




  1. That is almost an impossible question to answer.

    Every person has their own experience at the time of or near death.

    My experience has been with my own family is just before they die they have no knowledge of the here & now.  They only see & remember things of the past.

    For example, Both of my grandmothers did not remember or recognize the grandchildren but only seen us as their own children.  In another case my other grandmother did not recognize her own children.

    I wouldn't say they loose any thought or their minds, but they loose some or all of the immediate memories.

    One of my grandmothers right before death was in no pain.  She actually slept with her eyes open right before death.

    To actually study something like this, you would be better off to go possibly to a nursing home & adopt an patient that has no family.  I must say tho, to do this each time someone passes you will loose part of yourself in this study as you will become attached.

  2. I had a near death experience about six years ago. Actually to me I died. I was loosing blood by the bucket full out of my intestines.

    The last thing that I heard said was. Blood pressure 30 over zero.That is when I felt no fear. My vision went black and white, my ears were buzzing and my field of vision narrowed until I was gone, at least visually and autitory way.

    I was in the bright white light. and I had no pain, no fear, it was pure amazing. NoT one human negative emotion. I was very happy.

    Then i heard the doctor call me back and asked me to not leave them and to open my eyes.

    I felt a hesitation and it brought me back to life.

  3. You'll never have the answer to this question until you yourself die.

  4. Maybe you should research Near Death Experiences.

  5. People have died many different kinds of deaths.  We cannot be sure if they felt pain when they passed, but considering that some died violently, one can assume those people did.   Heart attacks also cause pain.  Cancer is painful.  Perhaps shock takes over and then people do not feel the pain.  

    There is very little  discussion about this subject;  people want to avoid thinking about it.   Any yet, since we will all die, it is important for people to know how to make the transition less traumatic.  

    Perhaps you should go into medicine and concentrate on pain management for the dying.

    The Tibetan Buddhist have thought a lot about the dying process.  The Tibetan Book of the Dead is meant to be read to the dying person to help ease the process.

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