
What was a strange dream you had recently?

by  |  earlier

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no specifications, they're just interesting to hear.

i recently had a wierd dream that i was on a camping trip with the count from sesame street...

and since he was a vampire, he could cast spells 'n' such apart from just counting things. so me and all my friends were there too, and whenever we needed to do something, we had the count cast a spell to make it done.

we were completely tooling on him, like, i couldn't reach my soda, so i made him magically make my arm two inches longer to reach it.

then i asked "why is it you keep letting us tool on you casting all these spells?"

and apparently, he loved to count how many spells he had cast. and when he cast enough spells, he'd get a P'zone, and he loved to count how many P'zones he'd earn...

just strange...




  1. wow you know whats wierd you seem to have details in ur dream but i dont is like very brief

  2. i had a dream about me bieng a dog eating phones

  3. I usually am in the aftermath of some disaster or the event itself. Somebody close to me almost always dies, and the overall tone of the dream is hopeless, with the one exception of when I shot down an alien spaceship with a spontaneously generated machine gun at the end. That gave me hope, oddly enough.

  4. I'm always in a large building with a lot of windows, but they are so high i cannot see out them

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