
What was a stung/bitten by?

by  |  earlier

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I was in boots and something fell on my head, i went to get it out and it felt like a bug and it was stuck in my hair, i thought it was a spider or something so tried to grab it and pull it out.

I then felt it grip on and felt pain, like a sting or bite in the centre of where it gripped on, i was called to the checkout lady and didn't get to see what it was.

My thumb that was stung/bitten is now quite sore but i cant see a bite mark or sting mark, the whole thumb is just a bit red.

Any idea of what it was that got me? and how long a typical sting lasts if it is a sting?

I know this is a bit of a strange one, but its just annoying me that i don't know why my thumb is throbbing and hurting.





  1. Boots import products from other countries, so it could be possible that is a spider with a venom. I would get it checked out.

  2. It could be just a wasp or a bee. Wasp stings are alkali so put vinegar on it to alliviate pain or if bee mix up some bicarbonate of soda which is alkali to combat the acidic sting. If it is more like itching then use savalon or something like that. We dont have any deadly spiders in this country so dont panic and if problem persist or feel really ill speak to doctor.


  3. probably a poisonous spider

  4. Hi yaa,

    Sorry to hear about that.I would like to suggest  that you should get a warm water in small  tub and but some salt (1 tea spoon )in  that and mix  that.Dip  your thumb for 2  to 3 mins in that and  then put a plaster on  thumb.Salty water is  antiseptic and the plaster will make  the surface clear where you can see the  sting easily.Normally it takes at least 1   to 2 days to swollen up.Once you will see the sting (Black or Red spot),take it out with sterilise needle and put a plaster for 1 day and you can repeat  the same procedure after  that.


  5. It could be a bee or wasp or something more serious like a poisonous spider get it checked out asap!!!

  6. Hi Joe, it might have been a wasp. Just put some antihistamine cream on it like "Anthisan Cream" which you can probably get in boots if you want to go back there. If your thumb swells up more this afternoon, or if you feel dizzy or nauseous, go see your GP. Hope you feel better!

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