
What was about your bf/gf or husband/wife that made u to fall in love with them?

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If your feelings for him/her we're not strong would u have chosen to be with him/her?

Would u say that u chose to have feelings for them OR would u say that your feelings that grew on u for him/her made u choose to be with him/her?

I know its a confusing Q ,but please just take your time to answer,thanks.




  1. If my feelings for my husband were not as strong; no I would not have chosen to be with him.  I didn't choose to have feelings for him.  They just came and as we got to know each other they got stronger.  What was it about him?  When I met my husband he was this exciting spur of the moment type of person.  A lot of my firsts came with him; for example I saw my first sunrise/sunset with him.  First camping trip and so on.

  2. When I met my future hubby (we're engaged), it was through a social gathering of friends. Neither of us were looking for anyone, but we bumped into one another and hit it off. Had an amazing night together. The next day, I was having a bbq and invited him. Thinking he wouldn't come....but low and behold, he called several times to see if I needed anything else and made himself at home at my house with all my friends. THAT made a huge impression on me, to act as if you know all my friends/family.....that was great to me. I loved it. We talked several times a week after that and eventually moved into a relationship and it's only grown each day since.

  3. It's kinda difficult for me to pinpoint one exact thing that made me fall in love with my boyfriend. It's more like a combination of things that happened (things we went through together, things we did for one another) that made our feelings for each other grow deep until we realized that we were in love. To be honest, I never thought that I would fall for someone like him, but time passed and as we got closer, we understood each other I guess our feelings for each other just kinda grew and made us want to be together. Hope this helped.  

  4. Fantastic sense of humour and we think a like. 9 years together.

  5. I hurt my leg when I slipped on some ice...I hurt it pretty bad but couldn't afford to see a DR at the time. I was dating him for about a month 1/2. He came over the next day with ace bandages and a brace for me knee, some pain killers he gets from the VA for his knees and flowers.....he took care of me and helped me get through work with those things.

    I knew then he was a keeper! We are getting married next year.

  6. I really don't know till this day We knew each other for about a month or so we laughed and joked and stuff but we were just kind of round about friends. The moment I knew was the first time we sat down and had a real conversation and there was this moment when we looked into each others eyes and I knew I was talking to my husband. He said he knew also but he knew it before that. I really don't know what it was but something in that moment when I looked at him clicked.

  7. I didn't immidiately love him I'll be honest, his personality attracted me and his soft and gentle nature. To be honest it all grew on me but I must say I was young (13) and we have been together for about four and a half years now.

    Therefore, my feelings were not strong, they grew as I came to love him.

  8. you meet the person who has the same : IQ (intelligence coefficient) ,EQ (emotional coefficient) and AQ (attractiveness coefficient )

    - and this does the trick

  9. I dont know that i can sit here and pinpoint a specific thing that made me fall in love with my husband. From the second i met him though there was an instant attraction, physical as well as that "something else" - which i cant explain..

    We never said anything to each other and tried to bury how we felt. In the end we both decided that our feelings were just too strong to ignore.  

  10. It just felt "right" to be with him. We didn't have the burning passion, but we felt good being together. It was fun, it was comfortable, it was making us happy. Almost four years later, we are still happy together. My feelings for him are growing deeper as the time passes; our relationship has become closer and more intimate over the years. Initially, we chose to be together because we were compatible and it felt right, and our relationship has been growing and developing ever since.

  11. I didn't know him at all in the beginning. We worked together, and the first time he walked by me his good looks caught my eye and I immediately was attracted like no other. Then I started paying more attention to him and the little things and he was so polite and funny I really, really was dying to get him. After just a couple of dates we had so much in common it was unbelievable..our whole lifestyle, things we wanted, personality traits. I couldn't believe it. Now we're married and expecting a little boy. =)

  12. Nothing "made" me fall in love with him it just happened. I felt warm, safe, content and completely at home with him.

    I miss him when he is with me - crazy I know -  I cant get enough of his arms around me, he is good looking, quiet, responsive, trustworthy, honest, genuine, family orientated, has a good job, responsible, romantic and a f*cking amazing kisser lol.

    Who can put into words when and how you fell in love, it just happens and  it only happens with one man, this is what tells you its real.

  13. We were friends for a long time. I didn't choose to have feelings for him they just developed. I got to know what a kind, loving, honest, generous man he was and those traits are very appealing to me. We've been married for 15 wonderful years.

  14. I think it is a little of both to be honest.  You can't really always control your feelings and sometimes they do get the best of you.  They take control and whether you like it or not, you love someone.

    Initially, you may be able to control your feelings and keep them under key, but after a while, your feelings can begin to control you.  At the beginning of my relationship, I still allowed my common sense to be a part of my rationalizing and thinking, but as we got to know each other and he started to "break down the walls" that I had set up around my feelings/heart, it came to a point where I let go of my "control" and let my heart do the leading/talking.  

    So (If my answer didn't confuse you as well) I think in the beginning, you allow yourself to control your feelings and if your head and heart both agree to pursue, then your feelings take over from there.  

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