
What was acceptable in Serbia -with Kosovo- isn't good in Georgia- with Ossetia?

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McCain says all Americans back Georgia in struggle

By CHARLES BABINGTON, Associated Press Writer

YORK, Pa. - Republican presidential candidate John McCain phoned Georgia's president Tuesday to tell him all Americans back his country's efforts to thwart military attacks from Russia.

From the article:

'Georgia has been trying to keep the pro-Moscow province of South Ossetia from breaking away'.

What happened to the 'will of the people'?

And since when does McCain speak for 'all America'?

Acting like he is the President already, is he?




  1. You almost got it right.

    When Milosevic rose to power, he went to Kosovo and gather Kosovo Serbs around him and said that noone will ever touch Serbs in Kosovo. Then Kosovo Serbs started making false accusations that they're being beaten, insulted, etc.etc. Milosevic used that as an excuse to increase the repression against Kosovo Albanians. And later he started the Ethnic Cleansing, Genocide, Massive deportation, scorched earth, until NATO stopped him.

    The Georgia case is very similar. Russia is saying they want to save Ossetians from Georgians, but Russia is attacking Georgian cities far away from Ossetia.

    What would have McCain say? You must show kindness to the victims. You should help victims at least emotionally.

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