
What was before the Big Bang?

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Was it just nothing? How long was there nothing? Was the primeval atom there for a minute, a day, a year? What was before the Big Bang?




  1. maybe there was nothing. it's unknown at this time.

    "the primeval atom" is from lemaitre's theory... it's a bit outdated now. understand though that it's not an atom in the usual sense... atoms did not form until some 300,000 years after the big bang.

    if there was nothing, there was no time. so the question of "how long" is unanswerable.

  2. Some scientists have theorized that the universe, before the big bang, was a swirling, timeless void of energy.  Einstein's theory E = MC² states that energy and matter are interchangeable.  Energy can be created into mass, and matter can release the stored energy.

    Something happened, and the Big Bang converted all that flowing energy into matter.

    The subject is still not understood.  It's very hard to tell anything that happened so long ago.

  3. Before the BB was pure energy.  What we call God.  He decided to create something he could see and touch.

  4. Nothing. The Big Bang marks the beginning of time. Perhaps in the future we might discover if anything lies beyond our universe, but for now that's it.

  5. There was a big jelly donut.  

  6. Assuming the Big Bang theory is accurate,  I have a theory (and I'm not sure if this came from my imagination or if it came from elsewhere) that would answer that question, but I have not had much of a chance to investigate it. My theory is that in a few million years or so, another big bang could happen. If it can be shown that the rate of expansion of the universe has slowed, then it would be easy to conclude that expansion will eventually stop and that gravity would begin the process of contraction. If this occurs, then there will be another big bang and the whole thing starts over again.

    Of course, many believe that the book of Genesis in the Bible accurately recounts all of creation. The "Big Bang" was simply the will of God creating the universe. Prior to that, all that existed was God (which calls up many other questions).

  7. The same thing that is north of the north pole.

  8. Thats a good question, I don't think anybody can honestly  answer that though it scares me to think there was just a time where there was nothing, but i definatly do NOT think there was just some god that said "let there be light" but I have always wondered what it was like before all of this ....

  9. big bang was the bigining of time ,place and energy. you can't describe what happened before , because there were no time before. our mindes that used to describe events using the time dimention can't describe timless events. sceince also can't , because its rules based on the same current 4 dimentions that started with the big bang , not before. so no way to know what happened before the big bang scientifically. but you can look on the religious mystry of different cultures and compare between them , you may find something.

  10. The 'Prime Observer' known as God.

  11. Absolutely nothing, not time or space so there is no measure of "how long"

    BTW Spoungebob WILL marry you......I talked to him yesterday

    ( I would NEVER kill a deer)

  12. Before Allah created the Universe, there was nothing with him, in other narration there was nothing before him. He was there on his Throne that was floating on water. I have tangible evidence for those men of understanding. Look at the sources below.  

  13. There's no such thing as 'before the big bang.'

    So it's not 'there was nothing there,' it's a completely nonsense question.  Time is a dimension of our universe and did not exist before the big bang.

  14. Yo Mama

  15. Its just a prediction. The real fact is that some momentum transfer within led to a huge burst and since then the universe has been expanding to conserve this momentum generated. How much the plannum atom survived is hard, rather impossible to predict as no momentum or energy theories lead us there.

  16. I'm sorry but I do not believe in the Big Bang.

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