
What was expected of men in the Elizabethen times?

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What was expected of men in the Elizabethen times?

Also what did men of that time aim to aquire?




  1. What was expected of them would vary enormously depending on their station in life.

    The majority of men in the Elizabethan era would be 'husbandmen' working on small farms which they rented or owned, growing crops and raising animals for their own use, and selling their surplus produce. They would be expected to be good farmers.  There would be tradesmen, craftsmen, and merchants of many kinds in the towns.  They would be expected to be honest and upright in their business dealings, and masters of their craft, whatever it might be.  Most of them would belong to the trade guilds, which regulated trade practices and kept an eye on trading standards. There would be professional men, doctors, lawyers, and clergymen.  And there would be the upper classes, the landed gentry and aristocracy, who would be expected to take good care of their estates.

    Whatever his status in life, a married man would be expected to be a good head of his household, and to watch over the welfare of his wife, children, servants, apprentices, and any other subordinates.  He would be expected to set a good example to the members of his household.

    Upper-class Elizabethan men in particular were expected to be very accomplished.  The ideal Elizabethan gentleman was both an athlete, good at riding , hunting and fencing etc, and also well-educated and able to play music, write poetry, speak foreign languages etc.

  2. Mainly throwing their cloak down so the queen could avoid getting muddy feet.

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