
What was family Charles Darwin's life like? what was his upbringing?

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What was family Charles Darwin's life like? what was his upbringing?




  1. Charles Darwin was born on February 12th 1809 at Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England. He was the fifth child of Robert Waring Darwin and his wife Susannah; and the grandson of the physician-scientist Erasmus Darwin, and of the pottery magnate Josiah Wedgwood. His mother died in July 1817 when he was eight years old, and he was brought up by his sister, Caroline.

      He was taught in accordance with a Greek language based classics curriculum at Shrewsbury from 1818-1825. Although he had not proved to have much academic aptitude at school in Shrewsbury he then went to Edinburgh to study medicine but did not make worthwhile progress. In his autobiography he mentions that;-

    Darwin became secretary of the Geological Society (1838-41). In January 1839 he was elected to membership of the Royal Society and also married his first cousin Emma Wedgewood (1808-96). They were later to become parents to ten children.

      From 1842 the family lived at Downe House, Downe, Kent. Darwin's life was that of a country gentleman of independent means among his gardens, conservatories, pigeons, and fowls. The practical knowledge he gained there through experimentation, especially in variation and interbreeding, proved invaluable. His private means enabled him to devote himself to science, by 1846 he had published several works on the geological and zoological discoveries of his voyage - works that placed him in the front rank of scientists.

      He suffered ill-health, which had set in to some extent even before his marriage, this meant that he adopted a retired lifestyle. It was not realized until after his death that he had suffered from Chagas disease, which he seems to have contracted during an onslaught of insect bites while in South America in 1835.

    I found this here and there is much more

  2. Religious, believe it or not.  Albeit he was Unitarian, not Anglican.

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