
What was farming and farmers like in the late 1600s in america?

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i need to do some reasherch for a play and i need to know ASAP!!




  1. A farmer's lot is never easy and especially uneasy in England in the 16oos. Not that the entire century was a bummer. However for a farmer life was a wearying round of dealing with climatic changes depleted soils all of which were made manifestly more complicated by the English Civil War at Mid-Century mark and Wars with The Dutch toward the end of the Century.

    Farming in the 1600s was nothing like Walton's Mountain. No Ford tractors or anything other than hoe and shovel and scythe Farming was Dawk to Dusk with a 'break fast' of coarse wheat bread perhaps dabbed in honey and cheese, the English have always excelled in cheese. Water or Ale quenched morning thirst. The big meal of the day was midday, fuel for completing the days chores. On a more prosperous farm bread and boiled or broiled chicken or perhaps pork, often a ham since a ham is a preserved meat that doesn't demand refrigeration.

    Oats have always been an Englsh Scotts Staple. At the end of the day with all the chores done the Sun ready to slip over horizon, some hearty oat cakes with honey or jam, some more cheese, beverage of choice that choice devoid of Tea or Coffee or Soda but whiskey was on hand and ale and mead and water of course for the absentatious types. Actually some Brits drank herbal teas; mint or sassafras or various barks.

    Work was hard physical but not debilatating. Comfort was a featherbed, if one had modest wealth - - - the poorer sort slept on mattresses which ammounted to caorse canvas like bags of rushes / weeds / leaves. Some people simply bedded down on straw. Lice & ticks were not unknown. Sun down time to sleep. Or fornicate of you will - - - most families lived in one or at most three rooms dank & smelly, dirt floors and wauble & dab walls and a thatch roof. Children politely ignored Mom & Dad grunting on their side of the room.

  2. Um america probably did not have farmers in the 1600's. The native americans were more hunter gather societies.

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