
What was first OS you've used? (not necessary owned) ?

by  |  earlier

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first was Windows XP (2004) then started using GNU/Linux froom 2005 until present (now, Ubuntu 8.04.1)




  1. I have used MS DOS, Windows 95, 98, 2000, XP, GNU/Linux, PC-BSD.  

    I got my first computer in 2006, with Xp preloaded. I started using Linux in 2007 end - tried some distros like *buntu, fedora, open suse, mandriva etc. Currently I am dual booting XP and Linux Mint.

  2. ms dos 5.0 in 1994

  3. Os/2

    Then Windows

    Then Linux

    Now, I dual boot Windows Vista and Linux

  4. Commodore BASIC 2.0 (on the C64) was my first.  I was very young at the time.

    Then Workbench (not sure what versions) on the Amiga 500

    Then Windows 3.1, 95, 98 and 2K.

    Now GNU/Linux openSUSE 10.3, mainly.  Some other GNU/Linux distros as well.

  5. I started on Commodore VIC-20 and Tandy TRS 80.

    I have writtien COBOL programs, and had to collate them on punch cards.

    I remember when Apple intorduced the Apple II and the LISA.

    And to top it all off - I used to sell computers made by AMSTRAD.

    beat THAT!  lol

  6. Windows 95/98/ME/XP/VISTA

  7. Windows

    MS DOS,Windows 3.1,Windows 95,Windows 98,Windows 98se,Windows 2000,Windows XP.Pro and Windows Vista (briefly).

    Linux (Permanent distros. currently installed)

    Ubuntu 7.10

    Ubuntu 8.04.1

    Linux Mint 3.1

    Linux Mint 4.0

    Many others running from LiveCD, Windows was removed from the equation a long way back.


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