
What was going on at Bromley South train station last night?

by  |  earlier

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There was a metal detector and it looked like they were cordoning off the entrance making people pass through the metal detector and past the police dogs... some sort of response team were there with the vests et all and just loads of police and railway enforcement officers were there.

Any ideas??




  1. looking for metal i do believe

  2. The British Transport Police [b.t.p.] have started carrying out random scanner searches at railway stations searching for knives & guns and every body entering the station has to go through the scanner the dogs can sniff out those carrying drugs.  The response team are their to go after those who see the scanners and do a runner

  3. weapon scan. I had it done to me 3 years back at Wood Green tube station. The dogs were fuzzy

  4. This has been going on since the July bombings.

    There was an outcry for proper screening to be set up at all stations at one point, until it was pointed out that this would mean the collapse of the Railway network and maybe allowing 1 train every day to run!

    So it was decide that there would be a random screening set up which will target all major stations on a random basis. A major station can mean any station which basically has a fast and local service stopping or any terminus station.

    Obviously with the limited resources British Transport Police have, you may never see the set up again.

  5. I believe they were on the lookout for a runaway train

  6. Hopefully drug and weapon scan

  7. Hi there. It was the British Transport Police. They have been running random security check on passengers throughout London, making sure that passengers are not carrying offencive weapons like knives & guns, so being a dederant to crime on the railway. Anyone caught with any form of weapon will be instantly arrested. (it also makes life better for us who work on the railway as we are less likely to be attacked with a knife or gun!)

  8. they got loads of new transport police and you know how bromley's barriers are open most times they decide to trick the little freeloaders but they got loadsa police cos they do random searches now, at least we know its safer!...kinda.

  9. Looking for knives I think

  10. This would have been a routine operation for British Transport Police (BTP) in conjunction with the train operator.

    BTP now has the power to do scans for weapons and drugs,

    which is proving to be very useful in detecting illegally held weapons, mainly knives, as well as all sorts of drugs.

    If the BTP detect a significant problem at a particular location they will subsequently mount a covert operation to deal with it.

    No-one should feel threatened by such an operation as was mounted at Bromley South, the outcome will ultimately be a safer travel environment.

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