
What was going on with this GUY?

by  |  earlier

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So, there was this guy that was in my math class first semester. I sat behind him, and it seemed like he was into me because: he wrote me on myspace often, he walked me to a class, he came up to talk to me at lunch when I was with my friends (he was alone!), waited with me after school for my ride, and so on. I had to switch out of that class. He got a gf the middle of 2nd sem. but we still talked when we saw each other. On the last day of school, he was walking with his gf, and when he saw me he looked like he felt awkward. We didn't say anything. Why is this?? If we were just friends from the start, wouldn't he still be able to say hi? Did he feel awkward cause he used to like me? What do you think the deal was?

I choose best answer! :-)




  1. I think its because he liked you and never told you.

  2. Maybe his girlfriend was the jealous type. Some girls freak out just because their guy talks to another girl.

  3. well he has a gf now, and he doesn't want 2 jeopardize the relationship he has with her,  so dont do anything 2 mess their relationship up by being jealous.  (i used 2 b jealous of my bf's ex-gf, but now im his gf and she's jealous of me.) but the point is just cause i liked him, i wasn't going 2 ruin what they had. (but they weren't much of a couple) anyways, just let it go.

    say hi, and if he wants 2 he will.  but respect that he has a gf, and leave him alone if it feels awkward.

    move on.

  4. Im a guy and i had somethin like this. The girl wanted to know if i wanted to be her boyfriend and i said no... and said that we should be in that kind of just friends relationship

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