
What was harder 4 u???

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Firsday of Middle school or First day high school and overall when did you have the most fun middle or high




  1. First day of High School was harder for me.

    I hated school.  Period.  I try to block the memories.  I had more fun when I was in middle school, but that was with my friends when we hung out outside of school.  Plus the younger you are, the more exaggerated things seem.

  2. i wish i could no going into 6th grade.hope its c ool.wish me luck:)))

  3. not trynna be funny or anything but... isnt the first day always easy since we dont even do work??

  4. I don't really know bother were equally nerve racking but i got lost at my small middle school but i didnt get lost at high school... which is weird but i had so much fun my first year of a new school!! Enjoy it!! Its the best time during that school part. Because the first time in any new school is going to be more fun and easier! And you really dont have to worry about anything but grades. Unlike when you get to higher levels where you have bigger tests and stuff

  5. Middle school is the worst time of your life if your not very popular or athelic

  6. High school was my hardest.  I was so nervous, I was confused, and I felt so insecure there.

    But high school was definitely fun, but like everyone, I've had my share of problems.

  7. well idk about high school (im going to b in 9th grade) but middle school was the best! and it wasnt that hard i just hope that high school will b the same if not better!

  8. I can't compare which I had more fun in since I'm only becoming a sophmore this year

    It was harder starting high school because I was homeschooled and I'm less innocent

  9. i wish i could do high school again the $hit i did was crazy plus it was fun most of the time

  10. um neither was "difficult".

    but middle school was the bigger change.

    mostly because it was my first day with a locker and having to switch classes.

    high school wasnt hard at was the same thing as middle school only a bigger crowd.

  11. omg i go to middle school 2weeks from yesterday !! i am scared but i think it will be fun even though i m moving 2 a new school  distrect

  12. middle school

  13. First day of middle school was scary because it was a bigger environment but I really enjoyed it.

    High School was my favorite though, I made even more friends from the clubs and stuff I joined plus there were many cool parties. Sure the work load can get stressful but my social life was good + I had more freedom than when I was in middle school

  14. first day of high school was harder but i ended up having more fun in high school... so far.

  15. uh i would say middle school is harder cuz people tend to pick on u more high school is much much better cuz of the freedom

  16. first day of middle school since i had to take the bus and it was a middle school combined with the high school so there was over 1000 high school experience was at a boarding school although that was hard it was a small community and lots of ppl to help with transitioning to living away from home and they had a lot of activites to make friends

  17. First day of high school

    i had the most fun 8th grade in middle school!  

  18. Dont listen to that Lukas guy. He probabaly had a bad experience. You can enjoy middle school without being popular and athletic

  19. first day of middle school was harder just because i didn't wear the uniform on the first day, and they made me sit in the cafeteria (g*y i know) for the whole day, and i was just stressing out so much because all of the other ppl got to meet their new classes while i had to sit all day in one spot with a group of other kids.. so it was just a stressing day.. but overall middle school might've been even a little funner for me than highschool.. although sophmore year was the best of all for me.. but it's different for everybody, it all depends on what kind of people surround you and what you do..  

  20. First day of middle school


  21. i jus finished jr.high, but the 1st day wasnt all that bad, cuz like evry1 who had graduated with me was going to the skool, sobut now im goin in2 highskool n im a nervous wrek so i would have 2 say highskool, but i loved middle skool, especially 7th grade yr, it was hard but i really enjoyed it

  22. first day of middle school. granted, it was a lot smaller than high school cuz there were only 2 grades instead of 4, but everyone and everything was new. By highschool, there were only a couple of new kids trickling in here and there, but you basically know everyone by that point and have your group of friends.

    Middle school was a bazillion times better for me.

  23. 1st day of high school was harder becasue i only know maybe 50 people out of 5,000!

  24. none were hard,but if i had to pick,id say highschool.just cause we did middleschool,we just played games and stuff.

    i had the most fun in middle school.

    highschools awesome though.
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