
What was hillarys speech about last night?

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What was her main point?




  1. It was about 20 minutes too long...

    As another responder said, it was about trying to unify the Democratic Party so Obama can get elected and they have a Democrat in the White House.

    I can't figure out if Clinton thinks voters can't think back far enough to remember what she said about Obama during the primaries, or if she just thinks voters are stupid (maybe a little of each)

    Back in January, Clinton accused Obama of not having what it takes to be an effective president.  Clinton has had issues regarding Obama's position on NAFTA, health care, foreign policy, the gas crisis, etc.

    And yet now, Clinton backs him.  Go figure.  I suppose Clinton feels that support for the party is worth more than what's best for the country.  More hypocracy from Clintoon, but, what do you expect...

    Just my opinion

  2. The whole point of the speech was to bring Democrats together. There are still a bunch of people who are very bitter that she didn't win the nomination, and they are thinking of either not voting, or voting for McCain. What Hillary wanted to do was say to them, "It is important that you vote for Barack so the Democrats can win the election. Vote for the PARTY now." She's trying to convince her supporters to vote for Barack so the Democrats can win in November.

    " "You haven't worked so hard over the last 18 months, or endured the last eight years, to suffer through more failed leadership. No way. No how. No McCain. Barack Obama is my candidate. And he must be our president," she said."

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