
What was human society like 50,000 years ago?

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What was human society like 50,000 years ago?




  1. Pretty much like modern-day Afghanistan.

  2. Add to the answer of "eternal" that they may well have worked in co-operation with dogs, following the herd animals, (eventually out of Africa, and into Asia Minor, then Europe, and Asia) with the much faster dogs herding the weaker animals into human ambushes, after which the dogs got the less desirable parts. They lived in structures of sticks, covered with skins, in some, colder areas, or wattle & daub, (caves are often in short supply) and would have developed throwing spears, probably using a woomera, (atlatl) which was far superior to the thrusting, hand held spears of neanderthals.

  3. It could very well have been like modern society. We just don't know. Perhaps the earth itself experiences cycles of birth, life and death. There is evidence of man existing almost 2 million years ago. Modern scientist don't want to except this theory because it would force them to evaluate their pre-conceived thinking. They've suppressed evidence that could bring a whole new perspective to our world

  4. Tribal societies of 30-200, were nomadic Hunter/Gatherers, who roamed from resource to resource, on earth's mostly pristine planet, usually following fresh water sources, around the perimeters of continents, where rivers & streams emptied into the ocean...

    Socially, not unlike wolves, they were led by an Alpha male & female!


    looks like small tribes mostly in africa ,just begining to migrate to asia, except for the neaderthal branch which was inhabiting asia and europe

  6. there was no human society 50,000 years ago because God created the earth only 10,000-12,000 years ago.

  7. Uh, we can't really know, entirely, can we?

    There are no written records.

    might help. (Some links on that page take you to stuff you can't read without subscribing to the magazine, but others go to free articles.)

    There was a mummified body found in the Alps some years ago. I don't recall whether he was from around that time or not.

    But they've been analyzing him, and the stuff they found with him, and have been able to draw some conclusions as to what his society was like in some ways.

    That might help, if you can find info on it.

  8. Probably more advanced than many give them credit for. Somehow around this time Australia was populated, which at that time meant a boat ride over fifty miles of open ocean.

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