
What was in that day April 4th 1357"or 1375 I can´t remember" 4 France?

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What was in that day April 4th 1357"or 1375 I can´t remember" 4 France?




  1. Is it funny one, Man do not watch Tv so much

  2. * April 4 - In the book and film Timeline, time travellers are transported from New Mexico, 2003 to France in this date.

    or perhaps this is what u wanna know :

    In France, the States-General passes Étienne Marcel's Great Ordinance in an attempt to impose limits on the monarchy, in particular in fiscal and monetary matters.

  3. In the book and film Timeline, time travellers are transported from New Mexico, 2003 to France in this date.

    EDIT$ Lunagoth...I was under the impression that the law you refer to was  promulgated on March 3 1357. Am I wrong?

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