
What was inside of an manor, during the middle ages?

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What was inside of an manor, during the middle ages?




  1. What Anothony said.  Sounds good.

  2. Manor House Rooms

    The Medieval Manor House was built on a similar, but much smaller scale to the Medieval castles. Some Manor Houses, such as the Manor House owned by Robert de Moyne and detailed below, even had a moat!

    The Great Hall of the Manor House

    The hall was intended for the main meeting and dining area and used by everyone who lived in the Manor House

    The Solar

    The room in the Manor House called the Solar was intended for sleeping and private sitting room and used by the Lord of the Manor's family

    The Garderobe

    The Garderobe was intended for use as a toilet or latrine

    The Kitchen

    The Kitchen was integrated into the Manor House - they included cooking ovens for baking and huge fireplaces for smoking and roasting food. The kitchens were often connected to rooms called the Buttery and the Pantry

    The Buttery

    The room in the castle called the Buttery was intended for storing and dispensing beverages, especially ale

    The Pantry

    The room in the Manor House called the Pantry was intended for the storage of perishable food products


    Their were often several Storerooms in the Manor House often located over the buttery and pantry. Used to store non-perishable kitchen items and products

    The Chapel

    The Chapel was intended for prayer and used by all members of the household. The Lord of the Manor's family sat in the upper part and the serfs occupied the lower part of the chapel

    There were four types of methods used in Medieval Manor House lighting.  

    Rush Dips - These were tapers made out of the stalks of rushes which had been dipped in melted fat and then dried. The rush dip was then placed into a receptacle called a 'Nip'. It provided a weak light which lasted about half and hour

    Candles - candles were home made from animal fat. Placed in candle sticks they lasted longer than the rush dips

    Torches - Torches were used in Manor House lighting to light the interiors of large areas such as the Hall

    Lanterns - or 'lanthorns'. A candle was stuck into a metal frame with sides made of thin, transparent horns

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