
What was/is the funnest grade in middle school to you?

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What was/is the funnest grade in middle school to you?




  1. oh 7th grade was the most fun because I was finally out of elementary school and everything was so new to me. new school, new teachers, new friends, and new SIX classes instead of the usual one classroom i was stuck in in elementary school. there were also a lot of school events like dances and whatnot... yeah 7th grade was the best!

  2. 8th xD

  3. Seventh grade. In sixth grade, I was just getting used to middle school and in eighth grade I was getting ready for high school so yeah... Seventh grade was the most fun

  4. 8th grade.

  5. They all sucked, but if I had to choose I'd say 8th grade because you are the oldest kids there.

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