
What was/is your main purpose in life?

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Your dreams... your drive... etc.




  1. <LoL> I really have to say that if 'my main purpose in life WAS...', I wouldn't be sitting here in front of my computer posting this response (since 'WAS' is Yesterday's OLD news and a thing of the past and Today is a BRAND NEW day full of news)...<LoL>

    But in all seriousness, my MAIN purpose is to...

    Be the BEST person I can be so I can strive to reach my goals to be Healthy, Wealthy and Wise and share the traits I have been blessed with (such as Knowledge) with others so that maybe they, too, can reach out and make their wishes, hopes and dreams come true, too!

    <Just a positive little side note=>  If we LEARN one little tidbit of something TODAY that we didn't know about YESTERDAY, we are one step closer to SUCCESSFULLY reaching OUR MAIN GOAL AND PURPOSE IN LIFE:    HAVING MORE KNOWLEDGE THAN WE DID BEFORE!>

  2. The only purpose of our existence is to pro-create & keep our species alive.

  3. I am sent here for a purpose and I am ready to fulfil that purpose NOW. That is the mental affirmation one must make at all times. We are always looking for the meaning of life, who we are and what is our purpose in life. Many die without ever knowing the answer to these questions. I dream of the day when humans will again be able to experience their spiritual essence and origins instead of continuing to be simply humans beings (out of touch with their essence). I dream of the day when humans will be able to live together as one human race in peace and harmony, without religious barriers and other divides. I dream of a green, green earth where humans and animals can live side by side without interfering into each other's territories. Well, this is only my dream. What drives me is the knowledge that life is so short and so unpredictable and that there are so many, many things yet to do.  I know that I have within me the ability to make a difference in the lives of my fellow humans and to make this world a better place for all of us to live in. I am driven by the urge to discover my true identity and to make that little difference.

  4. to get rich ...

  5. i believe that purpose is the reason for something (in this case life) and i dont know what it is but what i do know is that i do want to be as happy as possible until i die. Who doesnt?

    I also believe that our subconscious mind is very aware of what makes us happy. what we like, what we seek, who we love, and the only way to make us happy is to follow our hearts or our feelings which our only daily access to what people unconsciously desire. This is my opinion.

  6. My Purpose is to Protect those that need it. My Drive is The Innocent People that Die or get wounded by those With no Morals. Im a fighter, Always will be. Im also going to attend college for something science related.

  7. to save as much animals as i can

    by stopping animal cruelty, being a vet etc...

  8. usually the actors and football player get fame easily ..

    i want to be famous acadimic ..

    rich and help people ..

  9. To become the best person I can b,  and to help others

  10. To make the world a better place in some way or another.  Right now, I just dont want to make things worse, i try to recycle, if my parents would LISTEN use orgainic cleaners and fertilisers, but they dont so GRR.  But i really just want to try and make a positive impact on the world rather than the negitive on many of us do.  As for MY LIFE, i want to become a illustrator and design cd covers, posters, book covers, logos...ect.

  11. to understand the mind of god

  12. My dream would be to be a wise person like the Lord, it is not achievable but still trying is better

  13. to help people, im going to become a emt.

  14. I give you phylosophical answer, think about it. People main purpose in life is to find the main purpose in their life.

  15. i want to become a ninja and fight everything that is evil to bring peace and happiness to the world.

  16. Helping Go green and working with animals shelters to help this world be a better one. and to paint pictures of wild life to self for charity money..

  17. I want to be a teacher, a position which I feel is of great important in today's society. Many kids look up to their teachers and will learn more from them than parents alone. When parents and teachers combine their efforts, then the students and children will be able to find success in a safe learning atmosphere. My main drive is to find their success and to improve myself and learn from them and apply those same ideas in my life outside of the classroom.

  18. .  My main purpose has always been to do what I am doing now.  I am a nurse and love my job.  I specialize in elderly.  My dream is that someday there will be a cure for Alzheimer's .  I do get burned out at times then my dream turns to see my two older boys to see them happy.  My drive comes from deep inside where I love people and what to see them well.

  19. To please and serve my Master until my dying breath, and to hope with all my being that I will be allowed/able to die at His hand, hopefully when we are both old and decrepate, and have sucked every ounce of lust, joy, love, and happiness out of our lives together on this earth.  If there is an afterlife, I dream and hope that I will be able to serve and please him there as well, for all eternity.

  20. To teach as many people as i can in swimming and English; and  to discourage fishermen from relentless slaughtering of intelligent and tame animals like the whales and dolphins. My dream is that one day, no one shall harbour any racial or religious prejudice towards his fellow human being, and that the world be comfortable towards inter-racial marriages.

  21. Honestly right now...

    I don't even know.

    or maybe it's just a bad time right now.

  22. To put love into the world...and, if I can find other people who want to do that too, so much the better!  I dream that all of us can create a better world for all of moment at a time.

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