
What was/is your nickname at school?

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for me it was "laser" because i always did my coursework in lightning quick time




  1. 4 eyes

  2. mine was sterrie cos i had pure blonde hair, and all arms and legs cos they went everywhere when i ran and rabbit cos i have to big front teeth lol

  3. Miss Vixen - my maiden name was Fox

  4. Lucaso i guess... My real name is Lucas.

  5. it used to be 'sop' but now it's 'snowphie' :P

  6. The invisible man cos I never went

  7. half pint cos i was short  

  8. Pi Girl

    Won the Pi recital competition... like the nutter I am.

  9. mine was "nerd"  cause i was well a nerd, but now they all call me "boss"

  10. razor

  11. Honda

  12. Mine is mad, it's the first three letters of my first name and i've been know to do some stupid things.

  13. Little Bird

  14. "brainchild"  and "teacher's pet".  I studied hard and had good grades.  Now my daughter is following in my footsteps and I keep reminding her to ignore the jealous people and use the gifts God has given her.

  15. 'Flee'. It came from the young grand-daughter of a neighbour who couldn't pronounce my name and called me 'Fleecy'.

    I've been called many things, including 'Velocity' and 'Facility', but the most interesting was the young Turk who still calls me 'Filistin', which I think is Turkish for 'Philistine'. Since I've always been pro-Palestine, I suppose he's right.

  16. Ronbot, cos I'm good on the computer.

  17. swat







  18. greeny

  19. Father Grigori

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