
What was/is your wedding date and why did you pick it?

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I'm just curious if people had a reason for picking their wedding date or if they picked a random date.




  1. 2/14/09 because we will never forget our aniv!

  2. June 19, 2010  

    We picked it because we wanted a June wedding, and since we're paying for this ourselves it needed to be 2 years down the road to give us time to save.

    We picked the 19th because my fiance's spring allergies will have died down by then. Also, we planned around his mother's and grandmother's birthdays.

  3. Halloween 2009!

    We wanted October, our anniversary is October 10th.  There were two places that we wanted to have our wedding at.  The only Oct. date available for the 1st one was October 10th.  The only date available for the 2nd was October 31st.  It took us 5 minutes to decide which one we liked better, and it was the 2nd place, then we realized it was on Halloween, but really, its going to be fun!

  4. June 2nd

    We wanted a fall wedding, but there were no dates available.  We didn't want to wait for another year, so we booked the following spring.  Between school and other early-summer holidays, June 2nd was available and it worked with our schedules.

  5. We both wanted a late September/early October wedding. We called the photographer I wanted about three days after we got engaged (I've wanted her for YEARS) and she had one date available in our timeframe, so I said, "Let's do it." My fiance was okay with it, so that's how we picked it :)

  6. My wedding date is June 12. We picked it because we were able to get a reservation at a resort we wanted for our honeymoon the next week.

  7. 6/27/09

    We wanted summer

    we have a daughter so I wanted to go away during her vacation so when she stays with grandma it wasnt during school

    her bday is 7/18 we we couldnt do it around then or the 4th of july so ti was

    6/27 or 8/1 and I likes 6/27 better and so did he

  8. We got married on May 15.  I wanted to get married in the spring -- it's my favorite time of year, my favorite flowers are in bloom, and I wanted to have outdoor photos taken =)

  9. We picked March 31, still considered winter pricing. Winter pricing is the cheapest.

  10. We are getting married on 08/08/08....not really because of what day it is, but because we are going to Vegas, and that's the day we could get it done.  Originally is was going to be 10/26/08, because our anniversary is 10/25 but that was a Friday.

  11. August 29, 2008.  We got engaged on Valentine's Day and wanted to be married in about 6 months.  We looked at the calander and found that August 29 is the Friday of Labor Day weekend. So most of our guests would have a 3 day weekend.  We picked Friday, so they could attend our wedding and still have the holiday weekend.  We also knew that we ourselves would have a 3 day weekend and not have to use as much vacation time from work. Also, family coming from out of town would have an extra day for visit and travel.

       We didn't want to get married in the heat of summer. By the end of August/first of September cooler weather is starting and we would be able to enjoy being outdoors for our honeymoon.

  12. We picked December 22, 07 because it was the last saturday before the upcoming holidays and it was the easiest time of the year for all my family to travel since we live in different towns from my side of the family. It was really easy to find things on sale to match my colors (red and champagne). Although now i wish I would have married in February. I just love that month!

  13. We picked our because it is the week my fiance's kids spend with us each year.  Also, picking a Thursday was cheaper with a lot of the vendors and, since we are having a destination wedding, not a big deal to most of our guests.

  14. 9/29/01 - Wanted a fall wedding.

  15. My wedding date came to me in a dream. :)

  16. We're getting married AUGUST 23, 2008! Chose this because my cousin was getting married in June and we didn't want the weddings to be too close together. His didn't happen, so I guess I could have had mine in JUNE. Oh well.

  17. June 19th 2009. I'm a teacher and that is after the school year is over.  Also, it is my parent's anniversary which makes the day more special.

  18. Sat. December 6th 2008 ... just finally decided on that date a few days ago! yay! I can finally tell someone about it! lol (my fiance doesn't want to tell the family till early i have nobody to talk to lol)

    ... fiance wanted a fall wedding but this fall was coming too quickly and next fall was getting kind of late... for 2 reasons,, 1 being that he promised me i'd be married by the time i'm 30 (i'll be 30 by next fall lol), and 2 being that we both agreed that while we want to be married, we are very simple and want to keep this low stress... so we liked the idea of having 4 months to plan, and not pushing it off to next year and spending the next 15 months on this... (it's a small church wedding with about 20-25 guests, they will come over to eat at our house after the ceremony)...and watch the hockey game after dinner :P

    Hopefully where i live ealry december will be chilly, but not as freezing as january or as blizzardy as february! lol ... i even found a pair of gently used white furry boots on the internet for 10$, yay me! lol

    Since it's in our house, we can have up the xmas tree up and some white lights, a few poinsetta's and have our fireplace going, easy way to set a nice mood i think.

    And as a last bonus my beloved grandmother's bday was dec. 7th and she was a great lady.

  19. June 7 2008 - I wanted to get married on my Grandfather's birthday. Which end up being during the week. I also choose this day. Because it was my sisters weekend off. My nephews would all be home from college. Plus how can anyone forget 06/07/08?

  20. July 15th. We picked this date because it was the ONLY one that my inlaws and my mother had absolutely nothing to do on. We knew we wanted a summer wedding, but it was too hot!! The honeymoon was great though, but that bulky dress in 100+ heat, not a nice mix!!

  21. Mine was September 2 because it was labor day weekend and people would be on break and my husband got a free day off for our honeymoon.

  22. June 5 2010

    Our 5 yr anniverairy is May 5 2010, but thats a Weds... so we pushed it up to June 5 :) 2 years away so we can save up.

  23. I wanted to get married in October because it is my favorite time of year, but my husband wanted it on our 2nd year anniversary, so we got married July 3, 2008!

  24. April 12, planned the wedding in 3 weeks, spent less than 500.00 dollars. This was a 2nd wedding, every one from our church family brought a dish, we provided the cake and chichen and rigiton and meetballs. Turned out better than my first wedding where i spent over 5000.00. Got a 2nd hand dress more elegant and beautiful than i ever would have been able to afford if buying new spent 65.00 on it at a goodwill store, drycleaned and took in the seams. Best thing I ever did. why this date well we wanted to join our church in live right in  our lives the sooner the better and this just happened in the month of April so we went with it.

  25. we changed it 3 times and we had to change it one more time sue to the venue wasnt available, so now it is 10-18-08!!

  26. My fiance and I decided on June 12. This day is called "Loving Day."  It marks the the decision made by the Supreme Court that legalized interracial marriage in the United States. Obviously, we are in an interracial relationship, so it made perfect sense. We wanted our wedding day, and anniversaries to come, to be meaningful.

    For years to come, we will always have this day to remind us of our love and the freedoms of interracial couples across the nation!

    *06.12.10 here we come*

  27. Random date.  Picked the date for the convenience of out-of-towners who would already be here over the holidays. I always wanted a winter wedding, when in winter didn't matter.

  28. My fiance and I are getting married on Oct. 31 2009. We both love Halloween. And its diffrent, so we can take the idea and go nuts with the possiblity of having a themed wedding, etc...

  29. the first time i got married, it was on may 31. we did that because i was 17 and my mom had to sign for us to get married. so she said that she would sign but i had to finish my 11th grade and i could get married after that. the 11th grade ended on may 30 i got married on may 31:)

    My second husband and I just decided to elope and he took off of work on feb 1st and got married. lol.

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