
What was it about the Palin speech that qualified her for VP status?

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All I heard were shrill complaints about the press... who must have got her daughter pregnant!!!

Sycophantic praise of a senile ex-POW.....

And blind opportunism as she puts her family through h**l to sit in the VP Office..




  1. "speeches" don't make one qualified for anything....

    ....glad to see that seed has finally begun to germinate on your side...

  2. You must have missed the part of her speech where she identified herself as the Governor of the largest state in the Union.  Alaska, and therefore was the chief executive of more territory then many countries.

  3. You've got to admit, although not a perfect human being (and who is?) she's got more balls and a better sense of humor than your hero. Yep, she's one tough cookie!

  4. Absolutely nothing! The claim by those who say she governed over the largest state in the union fail to state that it also has less people per mile then any other state. Also that the govenors job in Alaska is only part time!

  5. It wasn't the speech that qualified her, it was her prior service in Alaska.

  6. Maybe because the sexist remarks the Democrats and liberal press are making qualify her. Or maybe it's because she didn't sit with and believe in a racist nutbar preacher like Obama did for 20 years! It's probably because she believes in a true American Hero like John McCain and not a "joke" community organizer like Barack Hussien Obama.

  7. Get ready for the "Demented, Barefoot and Pregnant" campaign tour 2008.

  8. It was written by George W. Bush's former speechwriter, so that qualifies her to serve in an administration that would deliver four more years of broken promises and failed policies.

  9. Did you not hear the O'Bama speech? All he did was complain and moan about how bad life is for everybody.  

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