
What was it like at the time the beatles released sgt peppers?

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For example, how did critics/community react to it?

Were people singing/humming the songs in the office for example?

Was it played at night clubs?

etc etc




  1. It was considered ground-breaking.  Everyone at my high school brought it & played it non-stop.

    It's considered by many to be the best album of 1967.  

    Sgt. Pepper's is often described as The Beatles' magnum opus, and one of the most influential albums of all time by prominent critics and publications. It was ranked the greatest album of all time by Rolling Stone in 2003.


  2. It's the only album with a 25th and a 40th anniversary celebration. It changed the world as we knew it. No more two-guitar-drums-and-a-bass bands. It opened the mind like a hot chili opens nasal pathways. It was irresistible. The mixed reactions might have been from the critics, but at ground zero there was a monolithic mushroom cloud. For the first time an album was just as popular as any single, and played front-to-back like a single, too. Never had anyone heard such creative and different songs. Even today, it manages to recapture that feeling for those of us who were there. To give you some ideas, it was there first album in 9 months. We thought they'd retired or something. Back then, 3 or 4 months per album was a normal time to wait. No more. Even years is all right now. Everything about it was unique. It was the first album to print the song lyrics on the cover. It had cut-outs, an insert, and THE BEATLES. It was incredible. It was history.

  3. I seem to recall there were mixed reactions to it, some really liked it or liked a few of the songs on the album, some hated it as it wasn't what they were used to from The Beatles. I seem to remember that Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds and When i'm Sixty-Four were reasonably well liked. My view was, it was the lamest album they made.

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