
What was it like telling your parents your veggie?

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I get realy nervous when I think of telling them.I live in the south!Im afraid they will laugh and think its a joke.




  1. ha ha i live in the south to and i was on the phone with my mom and was like i am a vegetarian and then explained that we were not meant to eat meat becuase we don't have claws or sharp teeth!! we have to kill them with tools!!

    she was spectacle of it first but then got used to it!!

  2. My father said nothing and never made an issue about it.

    My mother gave me h**l about it. She was a nurse and very intelligent, but very uninformed about nutrition. She said things like "you'll be anemic", "your muscles will atrophy", "who do you think you are, Gandhi?" I had to buy books and study about it just to argue with her. I finally won, but it took at least five years.

  3. You should set them up so they think you're about to tell them you're g*y.  

    When you say "veggie" instead they'll bust out laughing and think nothing of it ever again.

  4. for me it went like this:

    Me: "Ugh, You know I don't think I'll ever eat meat again"

    Mum: "What! that's ridiculous. I bet it won't last"

    Me: (lying) "Oh, it won't"

    Mum: "It better not"

    Then 5 months later i went vegan. I told mum that i wanted soymilk because it had more iron than the cows milk I was drinking (that was true) , and the cows milk was making me  feel sick (the cruelty involved made me sick). So she agreed to that, but she didn't realise i was vegan since I had to make all my own meals until wanted to make brownies. So I was looking for dairy-free chocolate chips in the supermarket, and I wanted baking soda (to help replace the eggs). She asked me why. I told her that I was vegan right there in the supermarket. She was about to yell, but instead turned red and marched right out of the supermarket. She yelled at me in the car though...

    But I'm still vegan

  5. It was nerve racking for me. I remember the day clearly and I remember the look on their faces when I told them. They thought I'd gone mad.

    I feel you pain (in terms of you being a Southerner). It's not something a lot of blacks ascribe to either and to my parents, it's just unfathomable that I can give up our "staples" . My mother begrudgingly makes me a separate pot of greens on the holidays and mumbles under her breath about why she cannot go ahead and flavor mine with ham hocks like everyone else's food.

    They'll get over it eventually.

  6. I was really really nervous to tell them, it actually took me like a month! When I did finally tell them, I was surprised that not only were they not angry, they were very supportive of my decision. They still are supportive today (after about 8 months) and my mom even makes vegan meals almost every day. Just tell them, don't be afraid, after all they are your parents

  7. lol know how it feels i was soooo nervous that the same thing would happen they would think i was stupid and ridiculous, so i didn't i just said i wasn't hungry and didn't eat with the family and then made my own dinner after eventually after just not eating meat they twigged nothing was said it was just a given but thier not happy about it especially when we go out and at home mum has to cook something seperate for me

  8. Intellect...Awareness...Conscience...

    Nevertheless, if the current uptrend is continue (and other factors remain unchanged), 43.2% of world population  will be vegetarians by the year 2019. (Even some survey & researches predicted the figure would be much higher)

    This is where the world is leading to.

  9. well i was really scared beacause my dad is a big meat eater and my mom stands by him in everything, so i was scared all i did really was bring up the subject wile i was shopping with my mom she had no problem with it she told my dad and he didnt really think iwas serious so i had to prove it. well good luck

  10. they were kinda mad cause they knew they would have to start buying me different food


    i live in alabama, that is about as south as you can get


  11. They did not care,

    they told me it was my choice, my life,and my health

    and they respect it and support it.

    i have a great  parents.

    i do love them always.

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