
What was it like when you first went into hospital when you was in labor?

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I had mine vaginally, and it was absolutely excruciating pain, I was screaming like mad, I even grabbed onto the pole next to the window because I was so scared and in so much pain. And crying like mad. I kept swearing at the nurses and going to the sink to splash cold water on my forehead, eventually, my mate came (ex boyfriend - father of my child) And held my hand as I pushed her into the world, I had no epidural because I hate needles in my spine. I really regret being such a big baby! What about you? x*x




  1. Women gave birth for thousands of years without hospitals or pain meds, but h**l, even the bible talks about the excruciating pain. We used to ride horses hundreds of miles to get places too, but we advanced.

    I tried to do it naturally. I wanted control of my labor, as so many pregnancy books insist that it is better for baby and mon to do it the natural way.. After 20 hours of that, many hours of which I could barely breathe, let alone walk, climb into a tub, or do anything else to try and cope, I got the epidural.

    I was laboring at home and was walking when a contraction hit. I ended up underneath my coffee table with a marble top and benchpressed the d**n thing. My 6'8" husband had to bear hug me to pick me up afterwards.

    After the epi, I didn't feel any more pain. It was such a relief! There was some pressure, but no pain. I was finally able to enjoy the birth of my daughter.

    I didn't interview my daughter to find out if she was tripping after the epi, but she learned to read at 4. If I killed any of her brain cells, she had enough to spare. (Yes, I'm being flippant.)

    Birth is hard on mommies, and imagine babies too. But, I defy someone to look at a playground full of kids and point out whose mother had pain relief, or which were bottlefed (another hot button topic).

    Mothering is not a contest. You don't win by saying others are doing it wrong.

  2. I was past due and didn't think I was in labor, so I went to work that day. I was lifting up 12 kids anound 30-45 lbs in between contractions ( I work in a daycare). After that I went home alone for the night, hubby was deployed. Had contractons all night long, still not thinking I was in labor. Around 2pm the next  day, I decided to go to the hospital to get checked out when the contractions went from ten min apart to 2 min apart. When I walked in the hospital, the nurse just looked at me and told me I wasn't in labor. A midwife in training asked if she could check me just for practice. Her eyes got huge when she found out that I was at 9cm all ready! They rushed me into a room and after an hr of pushing, baby was sunny side up, I had my baby boy. It was to best experiance ever, no drugs everything completly natural.  

  3. I went into the hospital with pretty bad contractions and I was 4 or 5 cm already...they were coming hard and fast and then at 7cm I had an epidural and it was so freakin' wonderful.  Once I felt that relief it was so worth the fear of the needle.  And really, it's not harmful to either me or my baby so why not have the experience be a pleasant one!  After that I progressed quickly and only pushed 3 girl came out within 15 min. of me starting to push.  Epidurals are fantastic!

  4. I hated being in hospital. I was so scared that I wanted it all to stop and kept saying it over and over, plus some swearing and screaming.  I think it's normal during the transitional phase, that's when any pain is soooo much worse.

    After two births in hospital I decided on having a home birth. It was so much less scary than being in hospital.  I didn't have any pain relief and gave birth to an 11lb baby boy with no tearing and only told my MIL to get lost once.

    I think fear makes giving birth more painful, your muscles are tense and you're stopping an involuntary response.  Screaming & crying would definitely relieve the fear and tension, a natural response, and you shouldn't think that you were being a big baby.

  5. I thought I had a stomach flu.  I never screamed or cursed.  I ended up getting an epidural after about 13 hours of labor and still only being 5 cm.  My friends and I spent the next 7 hours laughing and watching Grandma's Boy on my laptop until it was time to push!  Haha! no joke.  I'm so glad I got the epidural.  I think I would have died otherwise!

  6. This is very common in Denmark.  One of the ways they save money on national health care.  They say without painkillers you are less likely to have a tear and they do most of their labors at home.  They feel the same way, it hurts like h**l, but it's for the betterment of the pregnancy and national health care.  

    As for me, I go OCD crazy.  Is the heart monitor positioned right.  Is the contraction belt on?  How much longer?  Can I get my coupons for the cafeteria?

  7. I had an epidural and labor was a breeze.  I HATE needles, but what helped was not knowing how big that needle was (because it would hurt more, silly).  Also, I'm allergic to pain as I am a big wuss and that was why I opted for an epidural in the first place.  Anyway, so when I was having to push the baby out the Doctor's were laughing at me because I told them I felt like I was "pretending" to have a baby.  I felt like I was on a show and doing some really bad acting cause I really couldn't feel anything (imagine bad grimacing faces).  They had to lesson some of the dosage so I could feel some pressure.  And then I just felt constipated.  Like, really really constipated.  And it seemed very bizarre because it seemed like I had a roomful of people cheering me on to go to the restroom.  Anyway, easy breezy.  I'm pregnant again and I'm thinking karma is going to bite me in the butt and make it hurt doubly so this time to make up for the first.  Not really looking forward to that.

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