
What was life like for Soviet people in the USSR during the 1930's

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As in what was daily family life like?




  1. it was not the best of times

    it was definetly the worst of times. people were arrested and murdered by the thousand. having a distant cousin accused of telling anti-government jokes could mean your death- and all your family

    children were taken from families - to be "Re-educated" in orphanages. brainwashed is more like it.

    the soviet hero- Pavlik Morozov- snitches on his own family- and watches them as they are executed on the spot. Their crime? trying to save some food to feed Pavlik

    the government makes a famine- by the deliberate confiscation of ALL grain (even seed for planting) in the Ukraine. deliberately kept for 4 years, causing the death of  5 milion people. At the same time the soviets export grain at cut prices

    life was extremely cheap in the soviet union. It still is (despite the name change)

  2. Life was incredibly hard, and grim almost everywhere in the world, and it was worse in the USSR.  

  3. it was just like the tale of two cities

    It was the best of times

    It was the worst of times

    it was the.........

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