
What was michelle mcmanus's favorate musical instument at school

by  |  earlier

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the dinner bell.

If you dont know who im on about she's a fat person.




  1. its not funny when youre trying to hurt someone.

  2. gosh what's wrong with ppl these days it's only a joke. Why the offence? I found it quite funny...i remember how my old bio teacher used to salivate whenever she heard the chairs move in the canteen ie meaning the start of lunch time, she was so unlucky to have a room right below the canteen...and she was quite obese.

  3. same as 1st answer

  4. lmfao, sorry but it is quite funny - admit it!

  5. Lol, for the people who don't know who she is, she is actually (slightly) famous, not just a random fat person the asker is out to get....

    That may not make it any less "mean" to any of you but thought you should know xD

  6. If you are going to pick on someone how about checking your spelling. Do you know how dumb that makes you!!!!

  7. Is it not a funky guitar (with 'phat' bass)?  Did she not loose her weight recently anyhow?

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