
What was my name, where did i live and what did I do in my previous life?

by  |  earlier

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I know this is an open invitation for insults and silly comments so go ahead! It will give me a good laugh. But if there really are people out there that can figure this out, please let me know!




  1. You were William Walton and you owed me $35000 for carpentry work I did in your house.  I still want to be paid.

  2. well geeze, you were an ape in your last  life. and since you were a good ape, you were allowed to evolve up to human form. Or is that reincarnate? maybe they can both mean the same thing in these days of public education. You lived in the highlands of Kenya. You ate bananas and grubs, layed around a lot, and got mad at the cameras when they got too close. nothing personal, but I have no clue what you want someone to say.

  3. I don't have a clue as  to what you want . Sorry.


  4. Nope, no such thing as past lives or reincarnation. Also, there is nothing sacred or holy about cows.

    If the truth is not what you are looking for, then waste your money on some fake psychics. They will tell you that you were joan of arc or something. Of course, there is no way for you to verify that they are telling the truth, which is exactly why they like the past lives thing.

  5. Erin Mary Thackeray.

    Died aged 18 months from pneumonia.

    Cried a lot.


  6. There is no reason to believe we ever had a life before this one.  There are plenty of reasons to believe we didn't.

    Any readings you receive will be deliberately vague (i.e. "I see the letter T") or else high-probability guesses (i.e. "You were in the Air Force.")  What you won't ever get are specifics that can be verified.

  7. pwu,

    u can not know anything before 5 years from your born ,even from your parents.

    that's because your memory is formated at age of 5 years,then your memory start to copy every thing you watch,you hear,......etc.

    only these thing you want to know ,will be recall at any moment but if you concerned when you was coping them.

    i think ,

  8. You were in the Air Force and you sorry at the moment cant see anymore except the letter T.

  9. You must have the answer to this already. I don't think anyone could really divine the answer on-line.

    Most psychics would say you lived in France, your name was Christian and you were a fencing instructor - but everybody would know that!

  10. to find out more about your past life, i suggest you consult a psychic, or go for hypnosis.

  11. Matthew,someplace in England,im not to sure where.possibly a cobbler or blacksmith,something involving your hands

  12. Go for Past Life Regression Therapy.

    Read books by Brian Weiss who uses hypno-therapy for Past Life Regressions

  13. Matt Mastakowski

  14. you were a labrador named roxy from were very caninish

  15. You were a cucumber living on a farm in ireland.

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